Friday, February 16, 2007

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH , i todae like kena dislike by many ppl sia ! i like offend wanting , melaine , cheryl n many more ......

wanting 2dae her laptop drop down on the floor & chipped off b'cos i called her , (SUPER SAD !!!!) feel like crying sia , hope tt she nt angry wif me *sob*sob*

2dae i saw 沙悟净 again , he in e camp media group sia , shld i b sad/happy , feel suai/heng ?????????

Thursday, February 15, 2007

today c e back view of 沙悟净, i imagine 2 much sia
hav 2 memorize n pronounce e jap. skid well !
tired n sianz sia .............. n i juz realise all my fav. images in thumbdrive all gone oso dunno y (SAD)

Monday, February 12, 2007

lalalalalalalalala..... gt to study for metal tech test , bt dunno wad 2 study so decided 2 burn e book n mix e ashes wif water ..... den drink down ( hahaha , if tt works !!!! )

so lazy 2 study sia, although i noe muz study ~.~ SIANZ

feel like gting Lolipop BBT Ep bt nid 2 gt 6 of them to have e complete set $$$$ (FLY)
almost forgt tt 2dae dunno y oso c 沙悟净 again lor , n our eyes mit twice bt nth happen (knock! knock! .... wad am i expecting when i was like in e giving up mood sia !!!!)

Saturday, February 10, 2007

ahhhh .... tmr gg 2 work frm 11am to 7pm , YAY !! gt income le
bt i shld b stress bt i nw nt stress , ltr sure stress abt my school works wan (HAHAHA)
started friendster 2dae n i juz add all e photos in it ... shld i check if 沙悟净hve friendster 2 ??? nvm lar ... dun tok abt him le , bt i would tok abt my standard 4 bf since i juz discuss it wif 2 groups of friends
here it goes :
  1. at least same height as me which is ard 169cm
  2. i can tolerate his everyting n he can tolerate my everyting ( dis is e most impt. i tink )
  3. best is those with short hair n noe how 2 style wan

quite ok mah??? i tink so bah ... hehe

sometimes i reali feel tt i am so 色 lor (呵呵)

Friday, February 9, 2007

aiyoyo ... y my eyes always will c 沙悟净leh **** todae i c him again near e lift again leh
my friends always nv c wan leh ( or am i always looking out for him )
shld i run away if i c him sia ... bt like tt like more obvious hor !!!
haixx ...hmph ... but i reali dunno wad is LOVE lor
my 王子在哪里呢 ???
nxt ... gt jap. dialogue n language listening skid n test
oso ... gt metal tech test
gambatte ne !!!!!

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Haizzzzzzzz.... 到底是不是我一直在说沙悟净所以今天又看到他呢??? 還跟他take same lift sum more , 我其實不是xxxxxxx , 而是不知道怎么面對他( 他是否有注意到我呢... 可能他会以为hu's tt ugly girl tt keeps looking at me -_-" )
ahhh ya !!! 2dae i had a great time doing e script for jap.skid bt most probably tmr our speed will b slower ....
bt i'm oso scared tt i may dragged e group down b'cos of my language SO muz 加油 lor

n oso ... i aiming 2 b like dis super duper cute girl 哈哈
( i tink highly impossible bah *****)
actuali yesterday i was saeing tt i saw 沙悟净n i felt ??? n pretend nt 2 c him ( sad sia)
n i was saeing is it b'cos i sae on 6 feb tt i still abit abit abt him ...
n i was toking abt 棒棒糖男孩 but e internet or wadever went down .... dis is like e third time i write le lor , hope can .... so it's quite short 4 yesterday's ...
anywae dey R 帅的lor .... (呵呵)

top:Andy 哥 & 小杰
bottom: first 6 棒棒糖男孩 to come out with CD

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

其实..... 已经过了很久了(自从我开始部落格...) 今天刚present完my japanese doll presentation . it made me gt so interested in one of e dolls - washi paper doll , dey r like so unique lor ****** wishing 2 learn 2 make them:)
当然, 今天还是会想沙悟净abit abit lor ... oops .. first post hor , tt 沙悟净 is tt sumone lor ***** ~.^ dreaming again ( WAKE UP !!! )
oso , can't wait 2 watch nxt episode on 花样少年少女 & 模范棒棒堂
i feel tt taiwanese variety show is like more funi , drama is like more interestin, and their artists dere ... alot R my idols SUPPORT SUPPORT ; ki siao liao loh 哈哈