Sunday, September 30, 2007

aiyaya !!!!!!!
recieved a warning email tt i might gt kicked out !!!
damn emo now
i noe i hav 2 work hard wif my renderin lar
bt den i still very stressed lor
wad if i still cannt pass ? wad if !?
i dunno lor , it's like i hav nt done well enuf , it's true
bt den i now reali very scared, i wan 2 graduate !!!!
bt wad if ....
OMG! it's drivin me crazy !!!! i dunno le
i muz jiayou times infinty lor , cannot playplay wan :'(


-when i sae it 3 times, tt means i mean it !

Thursday, September 20, 2007


writin blog again ...

damn happy wif e manga i hav read! Paradise Kiss & Koukou Debut !

both very e nice - parakiss is abt fashion designer n a 'model' while koukou debut is abt a girl tt wants to find a bf after achievin her best in baseball in junior school and a guy wif a temper but still well-liked by all girls (he hate girls due 2 his ex...) she changes him & of cus dey r 2gether!

well, i dunno y i'm dis kind of girl tt like shoujo manga n all those swit swit stuffs but i am like tt :D i love noein e process 2 y dis happen (e.g. like y e girl will like e guy n vice versa - bt of cus sumtimes nt abt those lovey-dovey things.) den again, i'm bac 2 reality - like duh... REALITY CHECK!

2 tell e truth, it reali nid 2 start n do finish alot of things - y am i still half in reality only?

listin out:



tidy up my room (huge task!)

wrap prezzie - doin soon

clear my old bed frame n gt a new one (part of tidy!)

n i itnk many more which i can't tink of it dis very moment!

anywae, to all out dere! i am curious! please ! if you dun mind, leave a short brief of swit things tt happen b4 or recently, or mayb tings tt you wan it 2 happen, no matter wif ur families or friends( can b anyone !)

oh ya! i'm sure all girls wan 2 b a princess bt den again ! REALITY CHECK !
bt sum girls r meant 2 b princesses while sum r meant 2 b ,how do i sae ... normal???
dreaming is not a bad thing, am i rite ? :)

Thursday, September 13, 2007

2dae juz finished dap presentation, YAY bt sianx

tmr muz pass up all e dap ! sianx times infinity!!!!

den i dunno how 2 do e reflections lor- ard 2 pages lor.

oh ya, now very into the manga vampire knight & skip beat

oso e taiwan show - why why love (换换爱), e main characters same as devil beside you(恶魔在身边), well... i feel tt the choosing of love same lor. as in first rainie will like kingone because he's e sweet guy admired by all, like a prince, she will hate mike because he's always e one very bad on e surface. bt den turn ya turn.... rainie will in e end choose mike because of wadever wadever wadever... heheh ( all dis is my personal opinions 4 e 2 shows) of cus, devil beside you is nice, does not mean why why love is not nice, i love it( juz tt dere's still bad pple - bt every show oso will have lar).for now, i watch until episode 5, nt bad, i especially love the 'behind-the-scenes'--- super funny n comedy lar!

i recommend all 2 watch! bt rmb! dere is confirm some parts tt will gt u angry n all de:)

Rainie Yang as Tong Jia Di
Mike He as Huo Da
Kingone as Huo Yan
Judy Qiu as Yang Yan Shu
Chen Yan Xi as Jiang Xiao Nan
Xu Shi Hao as Po Zi
Ye Min Zhi as Tong Bao San
Eric Tu as Sai Lang
Wang Dao as Huo Zhen Hao
Ge Wei Ru as Liao Cai Juan
Jin Yu Lan as Qin Yu Hua
Sun Qin Yue as Tong Jia Hui
Carolyn Chen as group leader
AKA:Huan Huan Ai / Change Change Love / Love Can Never Be Gone / Exchange Love
Tong Jia Di needs a life besides work, paying down family debt, and more work. So her best friend Jiang Xiao Nan sneaks in a “Love” coupon in Jia Di’s raffle box praying that the lucky guy who draws it will sweep Jia Di off her feet. As it so happens, Huo Yan, the compassionate manager Jia Di has secret crush on, is the lucky guy. But, tho' the prince can exchange the coupon for Cinderella’s love, it doesn’t mean he will, especially when his devilish younger brother is determined to exchange his “Master/Angel” coupon for her servitude. --DramaWiki

Monday, September 10, 2007

juz pass up my crap work for dap. sianx, more & more & more no mood 2 do le. juz now in e afternoon i watch hey gorgeous on youtube ---- damn shiok! c them find e hunks n babes, although nt all 3 babes/hunks r reali babes/hunk bt den lucky dey noe how to pick out from e sch while walking--- tt's e fun part. oh yeah! tmr is tp turn's , bt i dun tink i will gt 2 watch it on Tv, cos my pa dun allow wan .... so i will wait a few days bah, den go youtube watch, hehe! so i hope the dap crap work wun gt me too much scolding?! no use le, send le. :(
bt wadever, send le . :)

Saturday, September 8, 2007

juz wanted to 'record' down, e tv drama songs tt i like ... hehe! mayb nxt time i shld go buy e singapore tv drama songs album*

2dae i hav taken note wan is 保家卫国:
跟着我一起 郑斌辉
握手的距离 郑斌辉
体谅 郑斌辉, 王禄江, 黄文永, 陈凤玲, 姚懿珊
I believe Redwan Ali

it's reali a nice show wif a nice ending; all married - best if e youngest son oso found his love... bt tt will b 2 perfect****

mayb oso the ongoing show 宝贝父女兵:
自己的幸福 陈迪雅
礼物 陈迪雅 ... hmm, dere is oso one more song for dis drama bt i dunno e singer & title (e wan i mention in my previous blog^^

of cus dere r other drama songs tt r nice bt i dun recall all of them, den mayb i will wait 4 e album to come out first , although i dunno when ???

i shld be doing my dap now & frettin 4 my bbs presentation nw bt i still feel like slackin. :D

well.... i hope i will gt e mood soon*****

Thursday, September 6, 2007

i reali want to find out the song in bao bei fu nv bing. it's nt a chinese song but it's nice lar !

anybody hu noes the song name, singer , pleaseeee tell me; hmmm, hu will noe n come here ? hehe. desperate 2 noe e song

actuali wanted to embedded in here wan, but doesn't work, so if you all go c le, noe wad song, please tell me. i will be so thankful ! hee!
locket !!!! abit nice, juz wan one , bt den i oso dunno :)
todae had bbs presentation , sianx!

acad paper draft pass back 2 us , sianx!


todae, i place e blogskin i found at in my blog. YAY!

den i edited it to my preferences (4 nw!). YAY!

-add song

-my 'pet'

and change info all tt . YAY!

happy lar , bt after all tt muz start do work , bt no choice. hehe.

since i so happpy, i wan 2 upload pics , alot --- if can, haha ^^
well ... dis is one of the outfit tt i find pleasin to me eyes in one website , which i 4gt le (which website?). i tink it is mostly for cute gals bah !

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

well... everytime i very long 2 write e nxt blog... hehe. I NV CHANGED! HAHAHA!
oh ya , juz did an EQ test wan ting pass me:

Your Score: 37
35 - 44
You have slightly above average EQ - with room to grow! You are likely sensitive to the emotional climate of the people around you - your peers, friends, family and key clients. You are well aware of the effect your behavior has on others. Still, while you may be adept at tuning into others and their needs - you must remember your own! Don't be afraid to honestly communicate these difficult needs and feelings. The world is well stocked with martyrs - it doesn't need any more! Think also about your passion for work (or whatever constitutes your main roles in life - manager of people, doer of tasks, 'meeter' of clients' needs, etc). We spend countless hours in our given roles - sometimes without much joy or satisfaction. In the process we become tranquilized by the trivial. Sedated by the small details of life. Sure, the laundry needs doing, the groceries need getting, the kids need chauffeuring, the deadlines must be knocked off, but we also need to stop and remember what gives us great joy and meaning. If we fail to remind ourselves (on a regular basis), we risk becoming hostile and cynical. We lose our purpose. And this translates to a diminished ability to be effective, at ease and fulfilled. Areas to work on: Ask yourself: - What situations generally create tension and stress for you? How are you handling these situations? - What negative thoughts play over and over in your mind on a regular basis? Are these a true picture of reality? - Are you afraid to share your needs and feelings with others? Is it because you are taking care of everyone else - being a martyr - or acting 'the strong, silent type'? What 3 things give you the greatest meaning in your life? If you work on gaining clarity in these areas, you will move toward maximizing your full potential and finding greater effectiveness, happiness, and fulfillment in your life. As William James said: I have no doubt whatever that most people live, whether physically, intellectually, or morally, in a very restricted circle of their potential being. They make use of a very small portion of their possible consciousness... much like a man who, out of his whole body organism, should get into the habit of using and moving only his little finger... We all have reservoirs of life to draw upon, of which we do not dream.

sianx! carrying on wif the last blog, I'M JUZ TT GIRL TT IS HARD 2 GT ALONG !!!
i can't blame anyone wad, mayb i can .... my kor lor , hehe --- bt tt's being irresponsible lar, mayb it's in or genes.... mayb we dunno how to communicate well wif opposite genders ????
mayb mayb it's juz ME
i hav no idea if i am me ...
actuali i hav nth 2 write wan lar, juz poppin by 2 leave a mark??

into dis manga recently , parfait tic, very annoying lor, like dis guy den like tt guy , den e 2 guys at first both dun like her den both like her . she oso cry alot , makin me emo . BUT ! i still wan 2 carry on readin it ! :) :) :)

***hostile*** signing off :::