Friday, December 14, 2007

i tink me wanting 2 post my stories on here is like no good--- cos i no confidence ... cos my story gt alot alot alot n alot more things i want 2 make it better n nicer. bt everytime i write a story, i alwaes write it halfway- den no inspiration , at tt time i will hav a new inspiration tt urge me 2 start a new story -)
den oso at other times i will juz let my mind REST --- u noe rest as in reading novels (those kind lovey dovey wan, hehe) and mangas....
well, todae i read finish Gokinjo Monogatari manga (by Ai Yazawa - i tink)
n it's so cooL, by e same author, she created 3 mangas so far i read:
Tenshi Nanka Ja Nai
Gokinjo Monogatari
n lastly,
Paradise Kiss
..... cool 2 me b'cos e first manga she wrote is interesting, i hav nt finished yet !!!! actualli e sequence i read these r weird .... i finished paradise kiss first (great manga on fashion design!) , den i started on Tenshi Nanka Ja Nai n stop halfway n finished Gokinjo Monogatari (2dae... dis manga i tink is much more cooler den e other 2 although e other 2 oso is equally great. e reason being, nt only b'cos of e lovely dovey part, hahh, bt oso b'cos it focus nt only on fashion design bt some other designing areas, makin it more interesting--- it defintiely gives me e urge 2 make things and design them on myself bt i noe i alwaes try hard enuf :) )
n e cooL part is the author/mangaka brings characters from one manga 2 another... n more fun is tt from Gokinjo Monogatari to Paradise Kiss, everybody grew n have kids n their kids/siblings r related n altogether make another story/manga
ohh ... like dis , i decided 2 take note of dis mangaka -- n oso another called ......Chitose Yagami , i tink ( cos he i tink it's a he lar , had done a few NEAT works 2!
realli, i admired them ! their stories oso inspire me in a way although i will b adding a lot of my emotions in my stories
so my target is 2 complete at least one story!
tmr i gg work le ... finally gg earning money bt only bit by bit... n 4 dis target is 2 buy a zen stone mayb =)
i tink tt's all 4 2dae! now is 1220am dec 15, 2007 (sat) :)

Saturday, December 1, 2007

it's been ages n ages n ages n ages n ages n ages (times infinity) since i hav written a blog ! :D well... last few days i've been chionging on my animation project n 2dae .... which is a sat, i came back 2 sch ....(i am still in sch now ... now is ard 5.36pm. for e last few hours... me n judith was playing e spot e difference game over n over again, juz 2 achieve a full score! n wif so many hours of eye strain, we completed it! (wif sum cheating, haha - memory nt good, gt STM) so i have decided 2 post sum pics on here. if u r curious, here's e website :


n e gallery is unlocked now so i can view e pics ....

erm , e pics in e gallery r 4 u 2 find out. haha!

oh ya! juz want 2 mention tt i might b posting sum chinese 'so called novels' i have written in a few days time.... wheee. i'm juz writing those 4 fun. i love creating characters n writing their lifes out, haha.