Monday, September 24, 2012

Next IT Fair

"The next IT Show in Singapore is coming up on November 2012 and the name of the event is SITEX 2012.
It is to be held from 22 November to 25 November 2012 at Singapore Expo Halls 4B, 5 and 6, 11am to 9pm. Admission is  free."
Awaiting it - so as to get Asus Tablet for my ma to play with, hopefully at a much cheaper rate (must be good too). hehe ^,^

Upgrading of my mobile...

hmm, my plan isn't up till mid Feb 2013, so I can't change phone till then, however, a few phones that caught my eyes now & might drop price around March 2013 would be HTC One S, HTC One X & HTC One XL.
hopefully, by then, the price will drop to a more affordable price & the software would be still fast enough for my uses (which are very simple net surfing & whatsapp etc; don't really wish to get stuck to my phone too long - looking at it)