Wednesday, October 31, 2012


as the title says: my exam for this semester just ended today.
YAY - but now all I wish for is all the modules to get a passing grade (& above).....
worry worry >.<

so my exam results coming out on 29 Nov 2012 should be & must be all PASS & above!!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Thanks for all on 8 Oct !!!~

8 Oct was my birthday, like 1 hour ago...
I spent it simply by slacking, sleeping and doing some notes @ home.
Really glad to receive many wishes from my friends & families on Facebook & mobile.
Hope everything will go smoothly for me & everyone else!!!
Oh, although I spent it 'quietly' on the actual day, I actually had 2 advance celebrations - thanks to Jasmine Tan, Jie Ying & Leon (uni friends) + Wan Ting (^.^)
AND, I'm also appreciated the thought of Judith to call me for my birthday (but I didn't answer cos I thought it was some scam no.) even though she is overseas at Perth now.
- maybe I should save the no. down just in case she called again :D

Thursday, October 4, 2012


oh gosh, what ever is in his brain, I can't be bothered so much now.
can do nothing about it - simply block me on fb just because we quarrelled.
and imagine he is already of a 'mature' age.
I guess guys never will think more 'maturely' than ladies.
Tsk Tsk