Thursday, April 26, 2007

DOC 过了(很久)... 还nt bad lar!!
well.... i oso started 2 realise tt all e celebrities/artistes/actors&actresses R mostly all very good lookin in sum way lor (LOL) dunno y i reali dun understand myself .... ******
how i wish sumtime i hav a magic wand tt can *ting* den my room will b tidy n organised , den i will understand everyting, den the world will b full of beaytiful tings i like 2 c ... bt if like tt , mayb i will oso b sad n depressed cos wad i can do easily '''' others nid more effort ---- i will nt enjoy e process.
hmmm... tt's y i wan 2 start a small business BUT DEN i wan 2 sell accessories bt a lot of places aredy sellin le. i muz sell sumting special--- nobody has sell b4 wan , bt i can't tink of anyting n sumore i muz tink where do i sell e tings *** online/stalls/shops N each decision made will affect . so i muz tink n i tot of askin my cousins 4 suggestions bt first ! i muz cope wif my work first.............
n hor, when i c other ppl's website done up nicely, i will hav e urge 2 do one 222 ,,,,, bt i dun hav e standard (hehe)
actuali i quite "good-life" le, i gt my own room(only tt i hav 2 tidy>///<), food n money is provided, can use computer -- go online, write blog! , oso can watch tv N nt 4gting tt i hav my friends n family ! bt i will alwaes b envious of e others... mayb it's juz in my heart. HAHA... so if u oso envious of others , tell urself tt u oso very good life wan lar( nt havin e tings others hav doesn't mean tt u r havin terrible life... tt's wad i hav been tryin 2 tell myself ... bt it's kinda of hard, hehe)

1 comment:

Tina Tan said...

auntie arh~
u very cute xia~ i really admire you that u still can admire guys...they to me are like nothing. oops~ i shouldn't be telling u all these...sorry. anyway, just stay happy!!! =D don't think too much~ or else you'll age faster~ haha~