Thursday, June 21, 2007

y do i still wish 4 a shoulder to b beside me at dis time??? dis time when i super duper duper need 2 pay attention 2 my p1 ... i nid 2 make mock-ups n draw nicely done A2 sketches which i barely completed half !!! bt a shoulder wld b good ... if it's my next target's wan lar( haha... shld i laugh?!) i haven even found my nxt target lor... bt i reali wan my heart 2 b like a book sumtimes. cos ar, if my heart is a book, all e right ans can b found easily den i wun wonder which is e real me. den hor ... i wun b so desperate ( is dis e rite word?)
i reali tink tt , i juz tt i reali wan a bai ma wang zi or even hei ma wang zi oso can ... as long as e feelin is true ...???
wld i reali dun mind if he's nt especially handsum or good-looking??? hu noes.... a person hu truely accepts my everyting ( does dis kind of person exists ? or dey only exist in virtual )
i wan 2 do my p1 nicely bt my mind doesn't wan me 2 ???
given a choice:
A) a guy hu is especially handsum, bt doesn't treats u like a girl, yet u r 'heels over head' wif him
B) a guy hu is normal lookin, treats u especially well n pamper u like princess, loves u, bt u dun hav e feelin towards him
drama n books alwaes hav dis kind of situations, dun dey, haha...
wad happens is e girl tries 2 accept tt B guy bt in e end found out tt she still cannt 4gt tt A guy, den e A guy falls 4 her .
obviously i dun understand a tiny winy bit of wad is love, 'lovin one person means lettin e person happy even if he's happy when u r nt e one hu let him happy?' it doesn't make senses, even if it does, y so? i hav nt met such a noble person b4, so nt only do i wish tt i will mit my wang zi, i oso wish i can c a 'triangle love' story in real life in which e guy gives up 4 e happiness of e girl... ya, i wan 2 mit tt guy, n ask him how does it feels, is he reali happy, will he 4gt her ? (indeed, i will ask him lots of qns tt might remind him of her bt it's funny isn't it...)
if e noble wan is e girl as in 2 girls 1 guy, i reali may nt b able 2 ask cos i fear, fear tt dis feelin will b'cum familiar 2 me sooner or later
SO ! i will wish to mit e guy hu cares 4 me no matter when ?( my wang zi ? ) n e very noble guy, of cus if e triangle relationship consists of my friends... i will find it hard 2 ask even though i wld like 2 c e love story.
oh ya! actuali dis is all my rubbish tinkin lor, anywae, nobody i noes reads my blog except 4 wan ting (well... actuali i didn't wan 2 tell her wan lar... cos i noe i write plenty of junk...) bt i reali do wish to c a real life drama... (bt if it will hurt anywan , i rather nt noe)
dis is me hu write dis, me hu contradicts wif me. all is a dream, gray alwaes exists, love is nt 4ever sweet nor bitter, friends r good support, family r alwaes dere
one last ting, i alwaes wonder, u c huh, family, friends, lover --- dey alwaes seem 2 hav a rankin 4 dis 3 categories lor bt hor... wad if ur friend is part of ur family n if u gt married 2 ur lover, den he/she will b'cum ur family wad. so e whole point of rankin all cumes 2 family n mayb friends bah. n even so, friends can oso b as close as family. ( i oso dunnoe y i sae dis.. .hehee)
--- i watch drama, i will cry if it is sad 4 it cumes 2 family matters----
wad abt love drama? i will ask myself... i will feel sad bt no cry . i found myself an ans- i hav nt faced it b4 ( bt how true is it... i dunnoe)
so i tink i will end here, hu ever reads dis , dun beat me up 4 dis junk writin, cos i tink e previous posts r quite junk 2, hhehe --- make no sense !!!

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