Sunday, July 15, 2007

2dae ar... hav chilli crab n black pepper roasted chicken 4 dinner, dunno y 2dae my bro so generous oso. bt make me feel tt can earn $$$$ very good lor . i oso find out i dun quite like crab bah(nt so sure) cos like nth special bah .... mayb....
i muz rmb tt b4 i can earn money, i muz noe how 2 save money! n summore, in order nt 2 waste time n money, i muz graduated n work hard 2 finish e whole 3 years!!!!!!
buyin mp3 is my wish nw bt nw everythin e price is gg up ... mayb i will settle 4 e ZEN ROCK PLUS 1GB/2GB costin $69(until 22july)/$99(on 18july only). eh, den abt e mill bit i broke, i will take frm my allowance bah( try 2 eat less!)--- i tink ard $30
den i oso tellin my mother 2 buy 4 me shoes( e wans i like ... it's gona drag 2), as 4 e bed frame n spring matress, soon bah... up 2 them bah.... cos i muz save save save*****
in anyway, doin my project n savin $$$ is equally impt .... i cannt afford 2 slack!!!!!!
and hor, i saw an article on makin a o-bento, so cute lor, nxt time i will buck up on my cookin skills!!! and i tinkin can i take up a physcology course on children wan...i dunno 4 sure, bt i seems interestin :)
SO 4 RITE NW >>>>i will do my needle threader nicely!!!!

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