Friday, January 30, 2009

how human being works....
y would you hate someone???
e looks?
e attitude?
e personality?
or maybe dere's no explanation; like y you love someone?

though TV dramas always say that hatred is often born from love....
but, wad if,
-you dun noe wad's love????

den if really as wad TV dramas say, does it mean that u wun hate a person at first sight???

actually i find myself quite a 'hater' bah, or so....
i have 2 examples:
one in lower sec, one in upper sec...
as u all noe, we often have clicks... so it was like sec 2, i feel that one classmate juz cum budging into my so called click (it is, i tink...), and her way of communication i tink is not to my liking (using a harsher term...)
well... had a crack in friendship with one of my clicks due to that too, but sayin as to now, we all get along pretty well....( ya... all of us...:D)

another one, upper sec, still have clicks oso....
bt this time, it's classmates, they juz seem to have opinions on me, somehow....
which i tink i didn't offend them....
n so... till now, even if i still c them, we nv smile or tok to each other....

so all in all... it's e efforts people make to salvage any realationship...

in the first case, she made effort, i could see, and will try n accept her.... SHE IS MY FRIEND NOW :)
n in the second case, maybe it doesn't matter if we aknowledge we knew each other anot...

ya, so human beings are complicated????
(or do we prefer to be simpletons???)

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