Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I've finally realized...
the video from:

[HD] Big Bang(3/3) @ MBC Music Festival(Dec 31, 2008)

never fails to make me smile and cheer me up sia ....

i noe very weird, bt i like them now is maybe due to they live in hostel together, like friends living together - i like tt idea... :)

and also, b'cos like what many other say, they are very real...
as in, i noe it's impossible to show ur true face every time, especially in the entertainment world, but from what i see...

BIG BANG is one of those few that show some more of real live things bah...
... maybe i am biased, but ya, living with friends in a hostel is a direct attack to my heart...
-imagine waking up and showing ur most unglam side to ur friends, find out abt each other's good & bad to live together...

-might be tedious :P
-but the results will be satisfying ?

Monday, March 23, 2009

another one on BIG BANG

4 anyone hu's been readin my past few posts....
i tink u will be bored out ... (maybe?)

found this series of pics after terribly hard works!!!

and b4 and in betweens, i realised tt this particular bear is popular!!!


(got it from a website: http://ygworld.wordpress.com/2008/10/17/se7en-one-concert-photobook-photoshoot/)

-Se7en being in one frame with big teddy bear. Se7en who wore black tee got all the bear’s hair stick on his clothes….
-the staff help him to removing the hair from his tee… then se7en told the staff:

se7en:this bear is cheap izzit??!
staff:oh.. it’s not…
se7en: yeah.. you see… all of his hair falling off and his face is ugly

credit: cafe.hello7 + noizumi_daidouji ; gc_kun @ se7enation.com


nice bear, isn't it?

reali lar, cute white bear, quite nice lar...


Friday, March 20, 2009

saw another video of BIG BANG live performance!!!
dis time with little/mini BIG BANG
super cute!!!!

song: sunset glow

take note of the little big bang; e part at 2.07 starting with the "AH AH AH ..."

super cute together with BIG BANG


BIG BANG is gg 2 have a concert soon, and a album cumin out in sep/oct dis year,
the concert's name is BIG SHOW...

oh... a random update for myself though

hmmm... maybe i shld do a play list on imeem on BIG BANG to put on my blog ...

i will consider... :)

i tried on imeem, bt den realised tt i was able to change e width and nt affect my blogskin so i tink i try posting it HERE:

ho ho ho
gt summore 2 write abt them liao...
saw more of big bang's family at dis link
-any one interested can go see
i highly doubt though, cos only a few come read my blog... :)

oh ya...
saw dis at
the user has uploaded T.O.P's noona (elder sister) & her room that they will be living in??? (nt sure)

nice rooms & house!!!
n plenty of APPLE products
haix, is it me or they are really rich!!! (i highly vote 4 e second one!!!!)
cos the rooms are really simple yet special & spacious!!!

hmmm... and T.O.P doesn't realli like fans posting photos of his family & ex online bah...

bt den it's highly impossible as he is a celebrity, ermmm... bt den i tink all e VIPs will understand bah

anw, after sayin tt, as a person into BIG BANG now...

aiya, forgt it... dunno how 2 sae oso ...
juz keep enjoying BIG BANG on shows & music bah!!!

ya, juz BIG BANG : cos dey r e ones in the entertainment world...
ermmm... i realli dunno wad i sayin :P


Thursday, March 19, 2009

another NEW post, lalalalala

n i have changed my blogskin earlier on today, wanted a change and one tt doesn't blocks most of the videos i've embedded here... XD

cos i've found out another nice video to watch...
n definitely is b'cos of BIG BANG
.... hahaha, it a sure thing, 'cos one of the member Dae Seung is in it!!!
tt's RIGHT! it's FAMILY OUTING !!!!

well, at first, i was nt so interested abt it bt after catching one on G.Dragon's cut and Top's episode, especially Top's one, as it's e full episode...

it was very funny, make my day... :D

so nw gg on to watch episode 2 of Top's n G.Dragon's full episode

due to many factors, i have 2 save it for later...
ya, mainly b'cos my father will wake up at nite to c me usin com den BLAH BLAH BLAH ...

no choice, haha...

for now:

Sunday, March 15, 2009

other than the BIG BANG in the last few posts...
there's another group (hmmm... who are alot older though), but still good...
i've heard abt them, i tink b4 BIG BANG... from the radio
so... i heard dey are gd...
anw... dis was e song tt caught my attention!!!


oh ya.. found out abt H.O.T. juz abt juz now ... hehe... (well, due to BIG BANG)
BIG BANG was performing their song candy... so ... ermmm... ya... to find out more abt H.O.T. : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H.O.T.


but still ...

B to I to G(BANG BANG !!!)


Saturday, March 14, 2009

here's another big bang video...
i've been putting dis as my favorite video in my HEART...



now i realise... the user disable e embedding ...


go hav a look anyway ...


Monday, March 9, 2009

other than tt,
(e realli too many big bang songs..)
is my future, my studies, my work and $$$$$$

ya rite, so overall, i hav 2 work first 2 hav e $$$$, to study degree, either at gov. or private, i personally prefer private though (even if it's more ex.)

heard frm my ma sayin tt i more useless than my kor... (ouch...nt?)
i dunno how to sae... couldn't point out the point...

b'cos i myself noe tt i hav tons of dreams n those dreams can remain dreams or either hobbies as they cannt act as a survivin tool for me to earn $$$$...
passion of them is one ting, talent is another...
sometimes, nt juz passion pulls it off...
-talent n luck plays a big part too (nt 4gtin the support frm peers & families)

so, all i can tink of now is to find a job, get $$$$, mayb meanwhile take a part time degree course or so...

oh ya... did i mention i hav 2 pay 4 my taiwan trip... i knew it though :p
-so depends on luck to c if i can go ...

i tink tt's all on my mind now... (plus a little on big bang, my stories i writin, gg shoppin, makin handicrafts, singin, drawin & slpin...)
- tt's abt all (oh... & plus everything in my brain XD )

ya... tt's abt it ... hmmm
it isn't surprising, it is realli nt ...
BIG BANG reali gt alot alot alot alot alot of songs!!!
MANY NICE songs too!

dunno how liao...
only can listen n listen more n more...
oh ya, during the lies song; there's e part:
"i'm so sorry but i love you _____ (i love you more more)"
-the more more part gt a very cute action... shld go take a look :P
maybe i will post the stage performance with wonder girls one up ...
-together, they are called WONDER BANG :)

okie, so let's c, the video:
the cute action, it's ard 4:39- 4:40

anw, juz like i was saying, kinda of sad yet happy BIG BANG got so many nice songs ....
i reali like e songs...
-nt only tt, e variety shows they attend are mainly great cos of their character...
i dare nt sae i am their fan but recently, i've been catching videos on them...
they REALLY are a lovable group :D
-serious! i like how they interact with each other and joke ard
(...sumtimes, i reali tink guys do jk ard better than gals with their friends ....)

it's all quite fun and interesting... to see their videos...
i wun sae tt's e reason y BIG BANG have so many fans, but yeah... their styles in fashion, songs, mvs and more are GREAT!

it's for now, i noe myself, i dunno how long will i be still SO INTO BIG BANG :P
so i will nv sae i'm a BIG fan of any grp... i tink, cos mainly, i will sae i like their(any singer) songs...

bt still, BIG BANG is really nt bad :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009




Haru Haru Part 2 which offers nothing new except for some newly inserted close-ups of Big Bang and bloopers scene at the end. You will feel happy if you are a VIP.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

aiyoyo.... my external crit over 2dae lor....
is like i gt go in present, like nv go in present lor....
dunno wad feeling is dis ???
oso dunno is it b'cos everyting pass too fast or wad lor

juz in any case...
i hope n hope n hope n hope times infinity tt i can successfully pass the FYP ...
den all i hope is graduate den plan later on on wad to do....
for now, reali...
juz gt it over n done with... with gd things lar :)