Thursday, December 13, 2012

My Future...

I really start to panic/worry about my future, be it jobs or life as a whole....
I mean, what job can I find, and how will my life carry on....
I want to find a job that I like & can get accepted, but I can't help worrying...
Hmmm, even if I were to start my own business, I don't know what to do....
I just have a strong feeling now that I have to build up my experience in either marketing or design for getting a better future job....
I think the reason I'm worrying now is because I don't know where to start & how to go about doing it right.

What to do? What to do? >.<

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


as the title says: my exam for this semester just ended today.
YAY - but now all I wish for is all the modules to get a passing grade (& above).....
worry worry >.<

so my exam results coming out on 29 Nov 2012 should be & must be all PASS & above!!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Thanks for all on 8 Oct !!!~

8 Oct was my birthday, like 1 hour ago...
I spent it simply by slacking, sleeping and doing some notes @ home.
Really glad to receive many wishes from my friends & families on Facebook & mobile.
Hope everything will go smoothly for me & everyone else!!!
Oh, although I spent it 'quietly' on the actual day, I actually had 2 advance celebrations - thanks to Jasmine Tan, Jie Ying & Leon (uni friends) + Wan Ting (^.^)
AND, I'm also appreciated the thought of Judith to call me for my birthday (but I didn't answer cos I thought it was some scam no.) even though she is overseas at Perth now.
- maybe I should save the no. down just in case she called again :D

Thursday, October 4, 2012


oh gosh, what ever is in his brain, I can't be bothered so much now.
can do nothing about it - simply block me on fb just because we quarrelled.
and imagine he is already of a 'mature' age.
I guess guys never will think more 'maturely' than ladies.
Tsk Tsk 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Next IT Fair

"The next IT Show in Singapore is coming up on November 2012 and the name of the event is SITEX 2012.
It is to be held from 22 November to 25 November 2012 at Singapore Expo Halls 4B, 5 and 6, 11am to 9pm. Admission is  free."
Awaiting it - so as to get Asus Tablet for my ma to play with, hopefully at a much cheaper rate (must be good too). hehe ^,^

Upgrading of my mobile...

hmm, my plan isn't up till mid Feb 2013, so I can't change phone till then, however, a few phones that caught my eyes now & might drop price around March 2013 would be HTC One S, HTC One X & HTC One XL.
hopefully, by then, the price will drop to a more affordable price & the software would be still fast enough for my uses (which are very simple net surfing & whatsapp etc; don't really wish to get stuck to my phone too long - looking at it)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

To Thank & To Apologise, hmmmm

This post is to reflect on an incident that happened yesterday. me & my friend was talking about the journals that we could not find and suddenly a guy sitting in front row turn back and told us about it. That was a very kind act but was 'stirred' by my friends sitting in the same row. I thought he is being kind to share his info with us and honestly I have to apologise for grading him when my friends ask me to do so (peer pressure, haha), plus I gave him a very low grade (because he is really not my type based on appearance). Felt really sorry for doing that though I knew my friends was only having fun, they are not trying to hurt anyone. Then, I recalled suddenly just now that that guy might be the guy I was telling my friend - "the guy that our lecturer said he had that particular journal, can ask him where to download, but I didn't see his face". So all in all, he might felt obliged to tell us when he heard me talking about him when I don't know its him sitting in row in front of us. So thank you & sorry to the guy whom I don't know the name.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My Ethics & Governance Essay!!

oh good... now I know I have to work on my essay fully, I don't have the mood . I've only done the introduction! Plus, I don't really know how to continue even though I have a rough outline of what to do...
My target to complete the essay is by this Sunday - 26 August! I can do it! At least I have to believe so!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Things I want to buy at Bangkok!~

- skinny jeans/jeggings (of a nice color, not like normal denim color/pastel colors/'leather)
- studs ; spikes for handicraft
- wallet for my ma :)
- lots of t-shirts & shirts
- shorts (canvas/denim/pastel colors)
- naraya bag/s (@ siam discovery)
- culottes skirt (skirt that is actually shorts inside)
- volume skirt
- 'leather' skirt
- long dress/ long skirt (with front shorter type)
- lots of accessories (rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, for hair also etc)
- shoes/sandals/wedges/in-heel sneakers/slippers
- socks/stockings
- cap/hat
- fancy glasses
- leather, if possible to sew with my existing machine/needle
- outer corset
- inner puffy shorts
- feathers to make accessories
- handphone dust cover's jack
- ear hook/hair band (to hook it on the ear acting as a earring: can hang feathers on it)
- bling bling stickers (to deco stuffs)
- shawl/scarf
- presents~


Thursday, July 26, 2012


pasta @ ??? (seriously i can't seem to recall!)

hakka yong tau foo, soon kueh (i think) & pumpkin kueh XD

@ bugis plus ramen champion

rebond my hair ...

rebond on the 17 July 2012. 

Friday, July 13, 2012

gifts from friends who went abroad

*i forgotten to take pic of the nougats & chocolates (finished it too soon) jud brought back - very nice, very much LIKE! XD

from finland - a bao

from austria & somewhere i forgotten - jas kok

some more foodies from Hokkaido Summer Fair

Monday, July 2, 2012

some foodies i got from Hokkaido Summer Fair

mochi with red bean 

cheesecake with strawberry jam & milk pudding!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Thursday, May 31, 2012

My Exam Results

I don't really know when will it be out, but should be soon....
so for now, let's await the good news ( all pass & above!!!!)

wishes sincerely!

*update: it will be out on 31st May! (which is in a few hours time as I don't know what time they will release!!!)

*update again! It wasn't out on 31st May as system was down, the results came out this morning 1st June & thankfully, I got 1 pass, 1 credit & 1 distinction. ( I wonder when they will give me the credit for my exempted module though....)


they are always customers who are never thankful for retail & service staffs...
it is not as if they have to say thank you literally to do so, a simple action like speaking politely when asking for assistance is good enough.
on second thoughts, there might be some people who just can't ask or act politely, but I think that by doing so, both parties (customer & staff) will be in a good mood, it's a win-win situation.
I'm not particularly angry but just not happy....

but what can I say, that's life, that's work...

Monday, May 28, 2012

After tidying my room for a tiny bit

And this post is for today

tons of name cards I've collected
* these are only like 1/3 of all
so in the end, a lot of them went to the bin...