Friday, May 4, 2012

Studies & Work

My exams had ended on 2nd May, so all I hope & sincerely wish is all results to be all PASS & above....
Just got a new job today, however, it's only $5 per hr, starting tomorrow
- it's near though, save on transportation fees....
- hopefully I will stay at this outlet & not work at another outlet, should be though cos the person didn't say about me going to another outlet

All in all, I wish myself all the best in both studies & work!!!!
Sincerely signing off ^.^


TWJ said...

OMG 5 per hour!? maybe work mcdonalds oso better =x

pei yu said...

mcdonalds got $5 meh? anw, it is definitely more slack then mac lar.... plus no transportation fees needed, haha

TWJ said...

dunno leh my fren say if u work certain hours or like regularly the pay got increase de

pei yu said...

icic, nvm lar, hahaha...