Friday, January 25, 2013

Am I really rude?

One of my friend who is one of my close uni classmate had a consistent comment about me being rude.
And I gotta admit I am quite disturbed by the fact that this is true. Just today, a situation occur:
I was talking to this friend about how I finish my comic & was about to say I've bought 2 illustration books to flip through, one male classmate/friend of us turned back & mentioned that the lecturer was talking about literature ( which is novels etc). (The lecturer was asking if we were reading any literature recently). Ok, so I was interrupted by him before I got to talk about the illustration books, so I replied him I was telling my friend about my comics & why can't I talk about me finishing my comics. After that he quietly turned back to the front. Then, my friend commented that I was so fierce & later on tell me I was rude. 
I was actually quite shocked & hate to admit it but maybe this is really the reason why guys are 'scared' of me; cos I simply shut them off when I talk to them. And now after typing this post, I really think I am so rude :(

But I actually felt bad after my friend told me I was rude so I actually sms that guy friend to tell him not to be offended & says this is how I speak. But till now, he didn't reply me so I'm quite scared that he is really offended but then again will he get offended over this issue?

So not happy now :(

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