Friday, June 8, 2007

2dae ... ya 2dae (08 jun...)
Woohooooooooooo... went out wif laila, baoling n jasmine....
we went to watch shrek 3( hope if wan ting sees dis, she wun kill me... pls... hahha)
it was funni n we all enjoy!
laila den realised tt her shoe spoil den we went 2 buy shoes.,... after tt jasmine wanted 2 take neoprints bt den too late le , e shop close le
den she suggested playin in acarde, a game( tt game tt made me laugh until stomachache wan)
*2dae oso lor* everytime oso play until sweat lor... it was super fun n is alwaes fun when friends play 2gether ( especially crazy friends ... yup.. C-R-A-Z-Y, haha)
oh ya ... another thing... at dere, i saw a guy wearin green shirt ....( sum wan out dere muz b tinkin, muz b dis guy very handsome or super ugly rite ... ) ---- cos in most cases, i am 色, i dun deny :) it's my life, haha
---- ooooooo, juz nw was tokin abt tt guy, while... he's nt super handsome or ugly bt he holdin a fencin blade which i strongly believe it's a foil ... *memories*
fencin alwaes brin me bac memories, bad n good wan
+++++like trainings n oso sufferin 2gether++++ at tt time, we were all tired n sumtimes sad cos alwaes lost competition bt tinkin of it nw, i MISS it , haha
den after tt, we saw evelyn outside tampines mrt, wow... ( it's like long time no c le) SMILEZ:)
ohhh ,,, we 3, jasmine went 2 take mrt... saw 1 senior on e bus n dunno when heard tt he's attached.
Of cus i'm damn happy cos he's attached 2 one of my friend N i hope dey hav sweet memories 2gether
( bt i quite emo lor, cos i'm reminded of fencin 2dae) so i wish all fencers hav their day 1 day !
sounds wrong???? wadever lar...
*****wishes upon a feather of a white crow ******
Y ar? cos i recently read a manga scan online called LOVE MONSTER, i find it nice n it's sae tt crow hav high status in e monster world, n higher status if the feathers R white(rare wad). dey rumored tt if hav a white feather of it n wish upon it, it will cum true( ya .. understand le hor .. explanation very confusin hor)
^^^^^^^^^hopes it cums true ... dunno if it works
main character of LOVE MONSTER: guy is powerful black crow, girl is e RARE white crow
( e girl looks so small compared 2 e guy in e manga)
wish wish wish wish wish
!!!!!!! nearly 4gt, gt another anime + manga, i starting to read or watch.... PITA TEN ! looks nice, oso, devil lives wif angel nxt 2 a cute guy (tt lost his mother when she saves him durin a car accident)--- in fact e angel is more of a devil than e devil n e devil is a very kind devil.... dotz, hehe

angel at e front, devil n tt cute guy at e back

1 comment:

Tina Tan said...


i'm gonna kill u...