Friday, January 11, 2008

oh ya .... angry until i 4gt 2dae is Wan Ting's birthdae le ~v~
(gd luck in ur jap presentation though*)
-hmmmm, i nid sum luck 2--wif my blogger HTML:'(
*hope u like the small prezzie i gave u earlier on the 10th.
tokin abt yesterday(which is juz a few hours b4 now), the suki yaki buffet was "fulfiling".
cookin the meat, steamboat* (duh!) & oso the final part makin the icecream we try bt nt 2 much success
michelle tried a cat (dunnoe if she gt take pic?), wan ting tried a tree & her name(michelle hav e pic i tink) and i tried a flower tt turns out like a mixture of colours nia... dotz
bt den i reali full lar ... stomach pain summore den i dunno i laugh quite often den stomach more pain bt den when we start walkin... i tink e food inside digested liao so now no pain liao bt still like a bit bloated leh. (nt fully digested bah ... hehe)
dun reali wan 2 care abt the blog skin thingy le bt i wan my own blogskin which i tried juz a few moments ago bt the situation being the same as those tt were frm (SIANX!)

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