Wednesday, May 6, 2009

making BIG BANG my motivator? maybe?


that is also because being celebrities requires much more courage than anybody else...
...they also have 2 be prepared to not have a private & quiet life...
...and the things that motivate them is their urge to become a singer, artiste etc...

AND they must not be shy 80% bah...
...otherwise, how to survive being on shows & being known by people walking on the streets...
(that was also one of the reasons why BIG BANG only got 5 members... it is said that the one dropped out is too shy etc...)

... ... ... ... ... life, there are many roads to take...
for one, the most important is to take the right one, the CORRECT road...

but for another, who will know if they took the right or wrong road?

so so so

it depends on how one look at things !!!

for example, why are there fans & celebrities?
imagine there is only one of those in the whole world?!

it is because the fans & celebrities people think differently, one want to be in the limelight & attention of everyone, while the other wants to help make the one in the limelight shine better...

or maybe because in life, not everyone can do what they want, so they just silently retreat to the not so bright side??? (not solely because of the help i mentioned above...)

all in all, i think that all will land in some place where each person can give all they can... do their best on some thing

blur liao...
confused liao...
headache liao...

whatever lar...







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