Tuesday, November 15, 2011

2 movies in a day!

First is morning movie: 那些年,我们一起追的女孩。
Super duper nice 的 !!!!
It is not really of a romantic story, but more of the precious times you have with friends.
Remembering those were the times we go to school together, fool around together and for the movie; fall in love with the same girl.
Maybe those precious times is the term "青春", where you experience true friendship, true love and many many tests & exams :)
I personally feel that 九把刀very good at expressing things, one that I remember the most is something like, at 17, it is a time where many males are less mature than females in thinking. Of course, other writers are equally impressive, just that he manage to bring it up as a movie film. And I agree with him to a certain point, to me, females being more mature in thinking than males last for a range of time, isn't that why females tend to look for males older than themselves?
It is also so 经典 that when the 沈佳宜 & 柯景腾 quarreled over the KO fight that the latter did. That totally expresses out the difference between males' & females' thinking.

沈佳宜 shouts: “笨蛋!”
“是啦,我就是笨蛋!” 柯景腾 replies while walking away
沈佳宜 shouts again: “大笨蛋!”
“大笨蛋才会追你这么久!” 柯景腾 continues walking away

They actually love each other, but somehow there is still something in between them, the something that each is afraid of losing upon being together... In this case, 柯景腾 is afraid of rejection from 沈佳宜, while 沈佳宜 is afraid of losing their feelings present in the ‘暧昧’period. Regrets nevertheless exist, but it will remain a forever wonderful memory of them!

Truthfully, I kinda of envy them, in Taiwan, due to different cultures, they experience many different things that I might not be able to experience even if I re-live 17 again. Then again, I might be just me, watching such a wonderful movie does not relate to me directly. Maybe that's why I'm impressed by writers' abilities in bringing out a story from daily life.

Afternoon movie: The adventures of TinTin: The secret of the unicorn
Nice movie too, graphics were nice, story plot was fun and unrealistic in a good way, that's what I think is required of it. It's a movie you can relax or should I say go with the adventures without too much 'burden'?
TinTin was one name that stayed in one part of my memory, going through it on the 'big screen' was a great experience. However, I have to agree with my friend that if there is a sequel to it, it might not be as enjoyable as this one, b'cos it will be kind of repeating with TinTin going through adventures, unless there is other main attraction for the next one.

Overall, I am HAPPY with the 2 movies! And I am broke, HAHAHA! Cannot go out again until I have to go to school for YEN...oh great... and my ma kept asking me to find job....hiax hiax....

signing off with good grades from exams!

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