Thursday, March 29, 2007

anybody anybody -- juz anybody ........ hu does realli noe wad's everyting in dis world, is dere answer 4 everyting ?y is dere always a grey part ? y is dere hatred n love ? y does sumbody always pick on u? y dere is a nid 2 b independent? W-H-Y (Y????????????????????)
satsuki frm ashiteru ze baby ... nt e main character bt i find him n his girlfriend(ayumi) e relationship very sweet ---- actuali super sweet although dey dun express out directly n openly . DIS IS MY DREAM BLAHZ ..... )))

ah ya , 2dae chat wif my cousin , taiwan reali can c idols on streets juz like tt , he sae he seen quite a few like xiao zhu (show) , jolin , BBT , rainie yang ( so cool lor, although i noe dey all normal human beings --- can't help gttin excited)

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

aiyaaiya..................... duno y c&e so super slack !! hmph ! so !!!!!!! nw gt assignment 1 due on mon n 2 tutorials n more due on end of dis subject ,..,..., huhhhhhhhhhhh --- better start soon , hope i gt MOOD soon ( can like tt meh **** aiya, dun feel like doin , hehe)

den i oso tinkin wan 2 redo knife anot lor , like all nid 2 go 4 exibition lor .... sianz sianz sianz

opps , i suddenly tot of him .... orhhhhhh , is like sudden n like everytime i write here will tink abt him sia ( i reali dun understand myself *gg crazy*)

Sunday, March 25, 2007

DOTC is quite fun ... first day everybody was blur blur n confused so it juz went 'off'
second day at night was the wan i rmb e most- NIGHTWALK ! it was so much more scary den the wan our batch 4 our DOC lor ( e tall 'ghost' wif a monster mask scared me twice lor---- first he jumped up frm under e sink n scare me til i sit on e floor lor ... den he purposely bang into me ( i tink .. haha) bt anywae it was fun cos it was scary .... i tink e year 1 s will enjoy it bah in sum way or another **** lastly ---- tt's 2dae , e mass dance was fun N everybody enjoy it so i tink dis's year DOC will b FUN FUN FUN
haiz ~ bt i duno if i will go tink of him b'cos i sort of 'labelled' him le^^^^^^ anywae he didn't cum so NXT ~ i muz work hard 4 my sch work on everyting so i can finish e 3 years


Friday, March 23, 2007

tonight goin DOTC le , quite sian cos juz finish all the homeworks very tired le den still have to go camp...HAIZ~ after camp end on sunday mayb i shld go to c if 棒棒堂改版cd cum out aredy anot hor ( bt $$$ ?) ~~~~~

gundam seed destiny models - oso wan 2 collect them n more gundam figuires !!!!!

王子,毛弟,敖犬!!!! ^ ^

Monday, March 19, 2007

YAY ! juz juz juz realize tt 棒棒堂 gt EP 改版 , yayaayay !!! bt has it arrived in s'pore ? cos in taiwan , e event is on 9 march , would it hav arrived? cos dis time, it's one cd N wif lots of gifts , nt like e first time gt 6 cds n i haven bought it ... zet sae sebamwang gt sell bt nv c 王子 N 敖犬 wan leh ... oso haven decided 2 buy anot n now gt e EP 改版 le , e ting seem so attractive bt even if i have decided 2 buy either e old wan or e new wan oso hav 2 wait until all my projects n homework settle first ;;;; haiz ************

reali dun noe wad 2 do , cos i now writin blog means i quite slack AGAIN ! bt i reali very sianz le lucky juz now went 2 their website , make me feel quite fun , recallin e scenes in e show (HAHA)

JIAYOU JIAYOU JIAYOU ! AH ! n dere's a new korean show cumin up in ---- 加油! 金顺! --- looks quite nice , awaitin 2 watch it !

oso i hope e nxt time i write *once more* dere will b sumtin nice ???

Thursday, March 15, 2007

模范棒棒堂kena taken off frm youtube - dunno y oso , den i miss a few episode le ( frm 13 march onwards... ) *SOB* i hope i hope ... it will b upload again b'cos i always wanted 2 find out more abt them , n w/o dis show ~ i will feel empty sumwhere in my heart;
my studies muz jiayou le , GPA muz pass wif higher marks if nt DIE DIE DIE ......
GIVE ME SUM POWER !!! [ please''']

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

a lot of tings to do sia ... duno if i shld slack or work harder ????
bt since i'm writin dis ... tt means i hav decide 2 slack lor !!!! HAHA~ bt muz promise 2 myself tt i can only slack 4 2dae , if nt HCD & visual composition sure die die die ----
er, 2dae saw 'shengsheng' bt lookin at his actions--- i dun tink he noe abt dere's such a me bah( as in in a special way) it's quite gd so i tink i will b less troubled n cos LOVE wun knock onto me so soon bah!
JIAYOU ! GOOD LUCK ! may everyting good happen to everybody ~~~~
2dae ar.. i reali realised tt taiwan reali gt alot of idols , as in nt 2dae lar bt i wan 2 tok abt it lar (HAHA) my cousin ar, went to taiwan , so good lor , bt i tink nt gd 4 him in a way b'cos he had 2 study wad..... bt i reali wan 2 noe if it is easy 2 mit an idol on e streets of taiwan ~tink 2 much le~

e HCD is makin me quite frustrated wif knives , isn't knives supposed 2 b like knives n how can i make knives a better improvement tt reali helps ppl....

SIAO liao lar bt i tink i will try my luck .. hehe

saeing of luck - i haven mit 'shengsheng' lately sia ... e point is i juz tot abt him now ---- is it i 2 busy or is it i actuali dun reali "EhhEm" leh ? nobody noes except .... well reali nobody will noe if i dun even noe it myself ( *think*- quite true !!! ) LOL !!!!!my picture - siao wan lor

Sunday, March 11, 2007

10 march:

HAHAHAAHA ... yesterday went to chalet 4 NTUC wan ... n nv slp frm yesterday 2dae morning , but i find it super fun n nice 2 mit all of them again after so long n i can mit e 06 batch wan oso ... although nt so close


Monday, March 5, 2007

姚元浩super shuai , gt a little feeling of e boy nxt door --due 2 one of his drama :)

actuali , i reali want 2 noe how it feels 2 b like by sum one n i noe abt tt ......... my friend told me it will b sweet if u have feelings 4 tt guy oso bt........ if not.......... (hehe)
ahhh, i 4gt 2 sae tt dere's a new nick 4 him - shengsheng ( funi rite, my friend decied 2 call him tt since it's easier 2 rmb den e wan i sae b4)
sae until he like veri close 2 me le , bt nt true lor...... diao******
siao le lor, gt HCD 2 assignments lor, n summore both is individual work lor , wad so bad abt indivual work is , if u nv do anyting, u reali nv do anyting ...... super difficult lor , STRESS !!! n i duno i do correct 4 e assignments anot lor !!!! HAIZ !!!!
if he reali noes i like him , how would he react ??? "tt girl so ugly , y like mi sia, so suai ."------ so i hav decided 2 keep it down in my heart ( although frm e start is aredy like tt le)

Saturday, March 3, 2007

2dae went 2 sch for tok , den went 2 eat at pastamania(super full) lor, spent $13 haiz SPENDTHRIFT wan lor ( u stupid girl... keep wasting $$$) den when me & my friend went 2 take bus home , a bus auntie suddenly came running down( i tot hu 4gt juz told us 2 send a auntie 2 e bus interchange( nt tt we dun wan 2 send e auntie dere , is like huh ??? we were nt gg dere , we juz find it strange ????????OF CUS ! in e end we send her dere
aiya , dunno wad i shld sae abt dis , bt it's nt a very big deal anywae; HAHAHA!!!!
long time nv write here le; bt gt write sum on my book... so here goes:
2dae i c 沙悟净again-_-'' , actuali 这应该只是算一点点的缘分吧... 因为啊, we r both ine same sch so 难免会遇到的吗@@@@.
again again again, him again ! this time i was on bus den an ITE guy sat beside me(tt's nt e main point!), den i imagine wad if he came up e bus(i tot i was 2 dramatic...) , bt he reali came up e bus , bt of cus nth happened like dramas
{reali dunno is 缘分/巧合?}
errrr... i didn't record anyting bt if i'm nt wrong , it was tt time when i saw him wearin checked shirt when i'm wif my friend... so it's juz another day ( ohh ! i oso didn't manage 2 send my cousin off at e airport *sad*.......... :(
super excited n hapi cos this afternoon tok 2 my cousin hu went 2 taiwan yesterday for his studies on msn , e reason being he didn't hav internet connection back at home bt/n he did went 2 cybercafe 2 make a hotmail account ( his english nt tt bad wad - mostly) ... i was in sch den , n i was saying like "OMG!OMG!" - like super happy (X infinity)n i told my mother abt it on so on on on HAHA :)