Tuesday, March 13, 2007

2dae ar.. i reali realised tt taiwan reali gt alot of idols , as in nt 2dae lar bt i wan 2 tok abt it lar (HAHA) my cousin ar, went to taiwan , so good lor , bt i tink nt gd 4 him in a way b'cos he had 2 study wad..... bt i reali wan 2 noe if it is easy 2 mit an idol on e streets of taiwan ~tink 2 much le~

e HCD is makin me quite frustrated wif knives , isn't knives supposed 2 b like knives n how can i make knives a better improvement tt reali helps ppl....

SIAO liao lar bt i tink i will try my luck .. hehe

saeing of luck - i haven mit 'shengsheng' lately sia ... e point is i juz tot abt him now ---- is it i 2 busy or is it i actuali dun reali "EhhEm" leh ? nobody noes except .... well reali nobody will noe if i dun even noe it myself ( *think*- quite true !!! ) LOL !!!!!my picture - siao wan lor

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