Friday, December 14, 2007

i tink me wanting 2 post my stories on here is like no good--- cos i no confidence ... cos my story gt alot alot alot n alot more things i want 2 make it better n nicer. bt everytime i write a story, i alwaes write it halfway- den no inspiration , at tt time i will hav a new inspiration tt urge me 2 start a new story -)
den oso at other times i will juz let my mind REST --- u noe rest as in reading novels (those kind lovey dovey wan, hehe) and mangas....
well, todae i read finish Gokinjo Monogatari manga (by Ai Yazawa - i tink)
n it's so cooL, by e same author, she created 3 mangas so far i read:
Tenshi Nanka Ja Nai
Gokinjo Monogatari
n lastly,
Paradise Kiss
..... cool 2 me b'cos e first manga she wrote is interesting, i hav nt finished yet !!!! actualli e sequence i read these r weird .... i finished paradise kiss first (great manga on fashion design!) , den i started on Tenshi Nanka Ja Nai n stop halfway n finished Gokinjo Monogatari (2dae... dis manga i tink is much more cooler den e other 2 although e other 2 oso is equally great. e reason being, nt only b'cos of e lovely dovey part, hahh, bt oso b'cos it focus nt only on fashion design bt some other designing areas, makin it more interesting--- it defintiely gives me e urge 2 make things and design them on myself bt i noe i alwaes try hard enuf :) )
n e cooL part is the author/mangaka brings characters from one manga 2 another... n more fun is tt from Gokinjo Monogatari to Paradise Kiss, everybody grew n have kids n their kids/siblings r related n altogether make another story/manga
ohh ... like dis , i decided 2 take note of dis mangaka -- n oso another called ......Chitose Yagami , i tink ( cos he i tink it's a he lar , had done a few NEAT works 2!
realli, i admired them ! their stories oso inspire me in a way although i will b adding a lot of my emotions in my stories
so my target is 2 complete at least one story!
tmr i gg work le ... finally gg earning money bt only bit by bit... n 4 dis target is 2 buy a zen stone mayb =)
i tink tt's all 4 2dae! now is 1220am dec 15, 2007 (sat) :)

Saturday, December 1, 2007

it's been ages n ages n ages n ages n ages n ages (times infinity) since i hav written a blog ! :D well... last few days i've been chionging on my animation project n 2dae .... which is a sat, i came back 2 sch ....(i am still in sch now ... now is ard 5.36pm. for e last few hours... me n judith was playing e spot e difference game over n over again, juz 2 achieve a full score! n wif so many hours of eye strain, we completed it! (wif sum cheating, haha - memory nt good, gt STM) so i have decided 2 post sum pics on here. if u r curious, here's e website :


n e gallery is unlocked now so i can view e pics ....

erm , e pics in e gallery r 4 u 2 find out. haha!

oh ya! juz want 2 mention tt i might b posting sum chinese 'so called novels' i have written in a few days time.... wheee. i'm juz writing those 4 fun. i love creating characters n writing their lifes out, haha.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

stupid stupid stupid , why i nv change my hp no at one-stop service centre !!!! nw my course manager cannt contact me den i cannt change my laof to consumer lifestyle... den nw i gt 1 dip elective, & 2 cds 2 complete in yr3 ... how how how .... wad if i cannt struggle thru? i very scared lor!!!! bt den in end e good friend of mine told me she earlier on 4gt tt e CM tell her tt e consumer lifestyle full le, make me so sad for so long den tell me .... u gd ar....

lucky u rmb le, if nt i 2nite slp will worry 2 slp wan lor ... so mayb i wun ji jiao ....

bt den still very scared cos yr 3 gt SIP, scared no time bt wadever la, let nature take its course bah. bt sumtimes still nid 2 fight 4 chances wan la... i will jiayou times 3!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

aiyaya !!!!!!!
recieved a warning email tt i might gt kicked out !!!
damn emo now
i noe i hav 2 work hard wif my renderin lar
bt den i still very stressed lor
wad if i still cannt pass ? wad if !?
i dunno lor , it's like i hav nt done well enuf , it's true
bt den i now reali very scared, i wan 2 graduate !!!!
bt wad if ....
OMG! it's drivin me crazy !!!! i dunno le
i muz jiayou times infinty lor , cannot playplay wan :'(


-when i sae it 3 times, tt means i mean it !

Thursday, September 20, 2007


writin blog again ...

damn happy wif e manga i hav read! Paradise Kiss & Koukou Debut !

both very e nice - parakiss is abt fashion designer n a 'model' while koukou debut is abt a girl tt wants to find a bf after achievin her best in baseball in junior school and a guy wif a temper but still well-liked by all girls (he hate girls due 2 his ex...) she changes him & of cus dey r 2gether!

well, i dunno y i'm dis kind of girl tt like shoujo manga n all those swit swit stuffs but i am like tt :D i love noein e process 2 y dis happen (e.g. like y e girl will like e guy n vice versa - bt of cus sumtimes nt abt those lovey-dovey things.) den again, i'm bac 2 reality - like duh... REALITY CHECK!

2 tell e truth, it reali nid 2 start n do finish alot of things - y am i still half in reality only?

listin out:



tidy up my room (huge task!)

wrap prezzie - doin soon

clear my old bed frame n gt a new one (part of tidy!)

n i itnk many more which i can't tink of it dis very moment!

anywae, to all out dere! i am curious! please ! if you dun mind, leave a short brief of swit things tt happen b4 or recently, or mayb tings tt you wan it 2 happen, no matter wif ur families or friends( can b anyone !)

oh ya! i'm sure all girls wan 2 b a princess bt den again ! REALITY CHECK !
bt sum girls r meant 2 b princesses while sum r meant 2 b ,how do i sae ... normal???
dreaming is not a bad thing, am i rite ? :)

Thursday, September 13, 2007

2dae juz finished dap presentation, YAY bt sianx

tmr muz pass up all e dap ! sianx times infinity!!!!

den i dunno how 2 do e reflections lor- ard 2 pages lor.

oh ya, now very into the manga vampire knight & skip beat

oso e taiwan show - why why love (换换爱), e main characters same as devil beside you(恶魔在身边), well... i feel tt the choosing of love same lor. as in first rainie will like kingone because he's e sweet guy admired by all, like a prince, she will hate mike because he's always e one very bad on e surface. bt den turn ya turn.... rainie will in e end choose mike because of wadever wadever wadever... heheh ( all dis is my personal opinions 4 e 2 shows) of cus, devil beside you is nice, does not mean why why love is not nice, i love it( juz tt dere's still bad pple - bt every show oso will have lar).for now, i watch until episode 5, nt bad, i especially love the 'behind-the-scenes'--- super funny n comedy lar!

i recommend all 2 watch! bt rmb! dere is confirm some parts tt will gt u angry n all de:)

Rainie Yang as Tong Jia Di
Mike He as Huo Da
Kingone as Huo Yan
Judy Qiu as Yang Yan Shu
Chen Yan Xi as Jiang Xiao Nan
Xu Shi Hao as Po Zi
Ye Min Zhi as Tong Bao San
Eric Tu as Sai Lang
Wang Dao as Huo Zhen Hao
Ge Wei Ru as Liao Cai Juan
Jin Yu Lan as Qin Yu Hua
Sun Qin Yue as Tong Jia Hui
Carolyn Chen as group leader
AKA:Huan Huan Ai / Change Change Love / Love Can Never Be Gone / Exchange Love
Tong Jia Di needs a life besides work, paying down family debt, and more work. So her best friend Jiang Xiao Nan sneaks in a “Love” coupon in Jia Di’s raffle box praying that the lucky guy who draws it will sweep Jia Di off her feet. As it so happens, Huo Yan, the compassionate manager Jia Di has secret crush on, is the lucky guy. But, tho' the prince can exchange the coupon for Cinderella’s love, it doesn’t mean he will, especially when his devilish younger brother is determined to exchange his “Master/Angel” coupon for her servitude. --DramaWiki

Monday, September 10, 2007

juz pass up my crap work for dap. sianx, more & more & more no mood 2 do le. juz now in e afternoon i watch hey gorgeous on youtube ---- damn shiok! c them find e hunks n babes, although nt all 3 babes/hunks r reali babes/hunk bt den lucky dey noe how to pick out from e sch while walking--- tt's e fun part. oh yeah! tmr is tp turn's , bt i dun tink i will gt 2 watch it on Tv, cos my pa dun allow wan .... so i will wait a few days bah, den go youtube watch, hehe! so i hope the dap crap work wun gt me too much scolding?! no use le, send le. :(
bt wadever, send le . :)

Saturday, September 8, 2007

juz wanted to 'record' down, e tv drama songs tt i like ... hehe! mayb nxt time i shld go buy e singapore tv drama songs album*

2dae i hav taken note wan is 保家卫国:
跟着我一起 郑斌辉
握手的距离 郑斌辉
体谅 郑斌辉, 王禄江, 黄文永, 陈凤玲, 姚懿珊
I believe Redwan Ali

it's reali a nice show wif a nice ending; all married - best if e youngest son oso found his love... bt tt will b 2 perfect****

mayb oso the ongoing show 宝贝父女兵:
自己的幸福 陈迪雅
礼物 陈迪雅 ... hmm, dere is oso one more song for dis drama bt i dunno e singer & title (e wan i mention in my previous blog^^

of cus dere r other drama songs tt r nice bt i dun recall all of them, den mayb i will wait 4 e album to come out first , although i dunno when ???

i shld be doing my dap now & frettin 4 my bbs presentation nw bt i still feel like slackin. :D

well.... i hope i will gt e mood soon*****

Thursday, September 6, 2007

i reali want to find out the song in bao bei fu nv bing. it's nt a chinese song but it's nice lar !

anybody hu noes the song name, singer , pleaseeee tell me; hmmm, hu will noe n come here ? hehe. desperate 2 noe e song

actuali wanted to embedded in here wan, but doesn't work, so if you all go c le, noe wad song, please tell me. i will be so thankful ! hee!
locket !!!! abit nice, juz wan one , bt den i oso dunno :)
todae had bbs presentation , sianx!

acad paper draft pass back 2 us , sianx!


todae, i place e blogskin i found at in my blog. YAY!

den i edited it to my preferences (4 nw!). YAY!

-add song

-my 'pet'

and change info all tt . YAY!

happy lar , bt after all tt muz start do work , bt no choice. hehe.

since i so happpy, i wan 2 upload pics , alot --- if can, haha ^^
well ... dis is one of the outfit tt i find pleasin to me eyes in one website , which i 4gt le (which website?). i tink it is mostly for cute gals bah !

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

well... everytime i very long 2 write e nxt blog... hehe. I NV CHANGED! HAHAHA!
oh ya , juz did an EQ test wan ting pass me:

Your Score: 37
35 - 44
You have slightly above average EQ - with room to grow! You are likely sensitive to the emotional climate of the people around you - your peers, friends, family and key clients. You are well aware of the effect your behavior has on others. Still, while you may be adept at tuning into others and their needs - you must remember your own! Don't be afraid to honestly communicate these difficult needs and feelings. The world is well stocked with martyrs - it doesn't need any more! Think also about your passion for work (or whatever constitutes your main roles in life - manager of people, doer of tasks, 'meeter' of clients' needs, etc). We spend countless hours in our given roles - sometimes without much joy or satisfaction. In the process we become tranquilized by the trivial. Sedated by the small details of life. Sure, the laundry needs doing, the groceries need getting, the kids need chauffeuring, the deadlines must be knocked off, but we also need to stop and remember what gives us great joy and meaning. If we fail to remind ourselves (on a regular basis), we risk becoming hostile and cynical. We lose our purpose. And this translates to a diminished ability to be effective, at ease and fulfilled. Areas to work on: Ask yourself: - What situations generally create tension and stress for you? How are you handling these situations? - What negative thoughts play over and over in your mind on a regular basis? Are these a true picture of reality? - Are you afraid to share your needs and feelings with others? Is it because you are taking care of everyone else - being a martyr - or acting 'the strong, silent type'? What 3 things give you the greatest meaning in your life? If you work on gaining clarity in these areas, you will move toward maximizing your full potential and finding greater effectiveness, happiness, and fulfillment in your life. As William James said: I have no doubt whatever that most people live, whether physically, intellectually, or morally, in a very restricted circle of their potential being. They make use of a very small portion of their possible consciousness... much like a man who, out of his whole body organism, should get into the habit of using and moving only his little finger... We all have reservoirs of life to draw upon, of which we do not dream.

sianx! carrying on wif the last blog, I'M JUZ TT GIRL TT IS HARD 2 GT ALONG !!!
i can't blame anyone wad, mayb i can .... my kor lor , hehe --- bt tt's being irresponsible lar, mayb it's in or genes.... mayb we dunno how to communicate well wif opposite genders ????
mayb mayb it's juz ME
i hav no idea if i am me ...
actuali i hav nth 2 write wan lar, juz poppin by 2 leave a mark??

into dis manga recently , parfait tic, very annoying lor, like dis guy den like tt guy , den e 2 guys at first both dun like her den both like her . she oso cry alot , makin me emo . BUT ! i still wan 2 carry on readin it ! :) :) :)

***hostile*** signing off :::

Sunday, August 12, 2007

yes but no ... er, i dunno !

我知道的... 不知从几何时, 我的笑是变得自私了, 脸变难看了(从没美过). 原来, 原来... 这才是原因. 我原来以为我的心情一直表达在我脸上, 可是不是. (我是个'表里不一'的人吧). 我真的只是想平平静静的做一个不起眼的人. 其实, 我不希望人注意我又希望他们注意. 我是个很恐怖的人. 一直以为几个好朋友就够了, 可是原来我很在意的... ...
羡慕那些可以跟所有人打成一片的人. 可是可能我是只适合活在别人看不到我的脸的世界-黑暗. 怪不得, 讨厌. 我是不是在这17年里没学会做人的道理.
从几何时, 我变成这样的不容易接近, 怕... 只是另一种讲法... 我根本CANNT FIT IN. 应该吧, 我可能投错胎吧, 人的世界---我得努力
我喜欢甜蜜蜜的故事, 他们都看不出的, 因为我是恐怖的. 我到底是谁我自己都不了解.
我庆幸我有好朋友, 不管是中学的, 理公的, 还是做工的...dey accept me 4 hu i am .
I sincerely thank all of you out dere !
b'cos u all care, i gt 2 enjoy my life ... :)
i noe dis is stupid bt i nided sumwhere to write , i was quite shocked abt e truth bt i realised it was true e very next moment. i tink too much, friends tell me tt.... bt i feel tt i'm reali nobody, nt talented, nt good-looking, nt understanding & all. i tink b'cos i worry ma ? in short , i tink i sumwan wif a problem.
wad dey tink
wad i tink
does it reali matters...

Sunday, July 15, 2007

2dae ar... hav chilli crab n black pepper roasted chicken 4 dinner, dunno y 2dae my bro so generous oso. bt make me feel tt can earn $$$$ very good lor . i oso find out i dun quite like crab bah(nt so sure) cos like nth special bah .... mayb....
i muz rmb tt b4 i can earn money, i muz noe how 2 save money! n summore, in order nt 2 waste time n money, i muz graduated n work hard 2 finish e whole 3 years!!!!!!
buyin mp3 is my wish nw bt nw everythin e price is gg up ... mayb i will settle 4 e ZEN ROCK PLUS 1GB/2GB costin $69(until 22july)/$99(on 18july only). eh, den abt e mill bit i broke, i will take frm my allowance bah( try 2 eat less!)--- i tink ard $30
den i oso tellin my mother 2 buy 4 me shoes( e wans i like ... it's gona drag 2), as 4 e bed frame n spring matress, soon bah... up 2 them bah.... cos i muz save save save*****
in anyway, doin my project n savin $$$ is equally impt .... i cannt afford 2 slack!!!!!!
and hor, i saw an article on makin a o-bento, so cute lor, nxt time i will buck up on my cookin skills!!! and i tinkin can i take up a physcology course on children wan...i dunno 4 sure, bt i seems interestin :)
SO 4 RITE NW >>>>i will do my needle threader nicely!!!!

Monday, July 2, 2007

actuali ... i dunno y i feel like writin 2dae ...???? 2dae is a fine day,(haha) ...

u noe wad ... i reali wish tt dere's sumone out dere protectin me secretly (e results of readin 2 much novel...) so i will juz imagine it*mayb mayb... dere is bah!^^*

mock-ups sucky !!! can't even complete my mock-up properly, oh ya: i can plan for wd i can do tmr ...

1. draw materials

2. find materials 4 mechanisms & others

3.complete mock-up( BT i reali wan 2 complete 2dae... highly impossible!!!)

4.confirm all e measurements

& MORE MORE MORE !!!! heheheh

gt one qns... wad if u fall 4 ur cousin hu is on ur mother side ? (paiseh... quite random^^)

oh ya... tt time i took a test or 2 ....

IQ:127... clever / stupid ????

hotness rank: 55% .... 29% hotter den others hu take e test ( am i suppose 2 b happy ???)**** well ... at least i pass( i shld b happy rite??)

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

i tink i did sumting bad 2dae(25 june), cos i like add salt on sumbody's wound... very bad hor, bt tokin abt salt on wound... it helps it 2 recover faster rite? bt humans r nt wounds hor. i dunno if i've hurt e person badly---
anywae, 2dae hor wan ting told me tt her bro sae i hav a lot ex lor , den judith confirm gt stead lor, after her bro c our pic. u noe... judith hav stead highly or even 100% possible lar, she's so super cute lor. den hor, i tink i 4gt 2 ask wad her bro said abt sharifah lar... later muz ask her! bt how can he sae i gt a lot of stead , although i noe i very e se lar, bt my 'se'ness is inside wan, nt so obvious wan lor. n hor , c my face, ... n everything else hor, unless i thick skin go "delcare love" hor, no boy will cum 2 me wan lar.
so hor, i tink her bro abit out although on judith can b highly correct... i oso noe tt her bro can b like 'irritatin' her by saein she surely no bf wan lar. bt i still can't accept dis fact! hahahaha...
bt i quite glad sumhw cos i suddenly recall she saein sum sweet things her bro did 4 her ...
my bro oso will do sweet things lar, bt on e surface, nt sweet at all lor... bt ... aiya... i dunno lar.
i didn't noe readin online novel can gt my addicted so much, i juz kept on readin, wantin 2 noe wad will happen nxt, e story can b reali stupid, sad n all bt it alwaes let me c tings tt dun cum clear 2 me in reality...
--- i reali do imagine 2 much bah--- good thing i dun alwaes sae out ( later embarrassed myself ... hehe)

Thursday, June 21, 2007

y do i still wish 4 a shoulder to b beside me at dis time??? dis time when i super duper duper need 2 pay attention 2 my p1 ... i nid 2 make mock-ups n draw nicely done A2 sketches which i barely completed half !!! bt a shoulder wld b good ... if it's my next target's wan lar( haha... shld i laugh?!) i haven even found my nxt target lor... bt i reali wan my heart 2 b like a book sumtimes. cos ar, if my heart is a book, all e right ans can b found easily den i wun wonder which is e real me. den hor ... i wun b so desperate ( is dis e rite word?)
i reali tink tt , i juz tt i reali wan a bai ma wang zi or even hei ma wang zi oso can ... as long as e feelin is true ...???
wld i reali dun mind if he's nt especially handsum or good-looking??? hu noes.... a person hu truely accepts my everyting ( does dis kind of person exists ? or dey only exist in virtual )
i wan 2 do my p1 nicely bt my mind doesn't wan me 2 ???
given a choice:
A) a guy hu is especially handsum, bt doesn't treats u like a girl, yet u r 'heels over head' wif him
B) a guy hu is normal lookin, treats u especially well n pamper u like princess, loves u, bt u dun hav e feelin towards him
drama n books alwaes hav dis kind of situations, dun dey, haha...
wad happens is e girl tries 2 accept tt B guy bt in e end found out tt she still cannt 4gt tt A guy, den e A guy falls 4 her .
obviously i dun understand a tiny winy bit of wad is love, 'lovin one person means lettin e person happy even if he's happy when u r nt e one hu let him happy?' it doesn't make senses, even if it does, y so? i hav nt met such a noble person b4, so nt only do i wish tt i will mit my wang zi, i oso wish i can c a 'triangle love' story in real life in which e guy gives up 4 e happiness of e girl... ya, i wan 2 mit tt guy, n ask him how does it feels, is he reali happy, will he 4gt her ? (indeed, i will ask him lots of qns tt might remind him of her bt it's funny isn't it...)
if e noble wan is e girl as in 2 girls 1 guy, i reali may nt b able 2 ask cos i fear, fear tt dis feelin will b'cum familiar 2 me sooner or later
SO ! i will wish to mit e guy hu cares 4 me no matter when ?( my wang zi ? ) n e very noble guy, of cus if e triangle relationship consists of my friends... i will find it hard 2 ask even though i wld like 2 c e love story.
oh ya! actuali dis is all my rubbish tinkin lor, anywae, nobody i noes reads my blog except 4 wan ting (well... actuali i didn't wan 2 tell her wan lar... cos i noe i write plenty of junk...) bt i reali do wish to c a real life drama... (bt if it will hurt anywan , i rather nt noe)
dis is me hu write dis, me hu contradicts wif me. all is a dream, gray alwaes exists, love is nt 4ever sweet nor bitter, friends r good support, family r alwaes dere
one last ting, i alwaes wonder, u c huh, family, friends, lover --- dey alwaes seem 2 hav a rankin 4 dis 3 categories lor bt hor... wad if ur friend is part of ur family n if u gt married 2 ur lover, den he/she will b'cum ur family wad. so e whole point of rankin all cumes 2 family n mayb friends bah. n even so, friends can oso b as close as family. ( i oso dunnoe y i sae dis.. .hehee)
--- i watch drama, i will cry if it is sad 4 it cumes 2 family matters----
wad abt love drama? i will ask myself... i will feel sad bt no cry . i found myself an ans- i hav nt faced it b4 ( bt how true is it... i dunnoe)
so i tink i will end here, hu ever reads dis , dun beat me up 4 dis junk writin, cos i tink e previous posts r quite junk 2, hhehe --- make no sense !!!

Friday, June 8, 2007

2dae ... ya 2dae (08 jun...)
Woohooooooooooo... went out wif laila, baoling n jasmine....
we went to watch shrek 3( hope if wan ting sees dis, she wun kill me... pls... hahha)
it was funni n we all enjoy!
laila den realised tt her shoe spoil den we went 2 buy shoes.,... after tt jasmine wanted 2 take neoprints bt den too late le , e shop close le
den she suggested playin in acarde, a game( tt game tt made me laugh until stomachache wan)
*2dae oso lor* everytime oso play until sweat lor... it was super fun n is alwaes fun when friends play 2gether ( especially crazy friends ... yup.. C-R-A-Z-Y, haha)
oh ya ... another thing... at dere, i saw a guy wearin green shirt ....( sum wan out dere muz b tinkin, muz b dis guy very handsome or super ugly rite ... ) ---- cos in most cases, i am 色, i dun deny :) it's my life, haha
---- ooooooo, juz nw was tokin abt tt guy, while... he's nt super handsome or ugly bt he holdin a fencin blade which i strongly believe it's a foil ... *memories*
fencin alwaes brin me bac memories, bad n good wan
+++++like trainings n oso sufferin 2gether++++ at tt time, we were all tired n sumtimes sad cos alwaes lost competition bt tinkin of it nw, i MISS it , haha
den after tt, we saw evelyn outside tampines mrt, wow... ( it's like long time no c le) SMILEZ:)
ohhh ,,, we 3, jasmine went 2 take mrt... saw 1 senior on e bus n dunno when heard tt he's attached.
Of cus i'm damn happy cos he's attached 2 one of my friend N i hope dey hav sweet memories 2gether
( bt i quite emo lor, cos i'm reminded of fencin 2dae) so i wish all fencers hav their day 1 day !
sounds wrong???? wadever lar...
*****wishes upon a feather of a white crow ******
Y ar? cos i recently read a manga scan online called LOVE MONSTER, i find it nice n it's sae tt crow hav high status in e monster world, n higher status if the feathers R white(rare wad). dey rumored tt if hav a white feather of it n wish upon it, it will cum true( ya .. understand le hor .. explanation very confusin hor)
^^^^^^^^^hopes it cums true ... dunno if it works
main character of LOVE MONSTER: guy is powerful black crow, girl is e RARE white crow
( e girl looks so small compared 2 e guy in e manga)
wish wish wish wish wish
!!!!!!! nearly 4gt, gt another anime + manga, i starting to read or watch.... PITA TEN ! looks nice, oso, devil lives wif angel nxt 2 a cute guy (tt lost his mother when she saves him durin a car accident)--- in fact e angel is more of a devil than e devil n e devil is a very kind devil.... dotz, hehe

angel at e front, devil n tt cute guy at e back

Friday, June 1, 2007

1/6 bah ... 4gt 2 publish
yesterday put lyrics .... 2dae put mv bah .... hahhhhahahah, bt den found out dis song like no mv (sian)

so happy tt yesterday have an 'promise wif ah lun... so excited.....

cos mayb i recievin prezzie frm him frm taiwan... n mayb i can send him his birthday prezzie frm singapore to taiwan

super duper excited lor .... bt duno if i will reali buy 4 me anot lor, haix... nvm , i tink i will buy 4 him since it's an 'opportunity' ... cos like i nv have relatives in other countries n i send birthdae prezzie lor.... except tt time send (i tink christmas card wif baoling & shermaine 2 laila in finland). nt so excited as dis, bt i tinkin if i reali send, will he b able 2 recieve it??? *insecure*

wadever lar... still gt long way lor :)
Super duper long nv write le ...

recently gt one new song ...

歌手:林宇中 专辑:淋雨中



















*found at baidu .com*

ohhhh ya ... 林宇中 oso gt act in 原点.... dis is one of e songs in e show !!!! hahaha

very e sweet song .... actuali all songs have meanings behind their lyrics ...

so many many songs are ver ye nice n meaninful ... except sum bah

anywae ... all those workin hard... JIAYOU ..... miracles do happen

NOT VERY OFTEN though (haix)

Friday, May 11, 2007

slacker slacker slacker !@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
muz do alias, muz do PID 1 .... siao liao lar
read online novel read until addicted liao ....
OMG ... super unreal lor.... bt damn sweet lor ... the story behind every person is so ''''''''''''' (undescribable)
i oso noe dis kind of thing will NV happen in real life bt den i still hav sum dreams ...
cos i veri de se wad
so i tink .... in my dictionary , dere's no L*** bt plenty of feelings , hehee

ahahhaa ... b'cos of the tai di nan hai novel .... i tink i love teddy bears even more le !!!!!!! it will always remind me of e novel scenes ...

den hor ... cos tt time do PID1 ar ... den hav 2 do user profile rite ... den i found cute korean kids pics .... wan 2 c .... c lar c lar (pls^^)

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


To plan for PID Project 1 & CAID 1

--- to think for products & get the hang of alias ---

To excerise regularly

--- rollerblade ---

--- swimming ---

--- cycling ---

--- badminton ---

--- running --- (the least thing i want to do ... haiz)
i been watchin dis anime .... makes me feel worse!!!! i like dis anime bt it makes me more interested into sports again bt at my rate n situation nw ----- i'm too lazy lor!
stupid me lor... i alwaes like tt den i like alwaes nt workin hard 4 my work
boai;jhfsklf;lazhdl;AJEd;p'ijcoviuwevOIJ OPHDJApofjsalzjcnsm;lki[P

Thursday, April 26, 2007

DOC 过了(很久)... 还nt bad lar!!
well.... i oso started 2 realise tt all e celebrities/artistes/actors&actresses R mostly all very good lookin in sum way lor (LOL) dunno y i reali dun understand myself .... ******
how i wish sumtime i hav a magic wand tt can *ting* den my room will b tidy n organised , den i will understand everyting, den the world will b full of beaytiful tings i like 2 c ... bt if like tt , mayb i will oso b sad n depressed cos wad i can do easily '''' others nid more effort ---- i will nt enjoy e process.
hmmm... tt's y i wan 2 start a small business BUT DEN i wan 2 sell accessories bt a lot of places aredy sellin le. i muz sell sumting special--- nobody has sell b4 wan , bt i can't tink of anyting n sumore i muz tink where do i sell e tings *** online/stalls/shops N each decision made will affect . so i muz tink n i tot of askin my cousins 4 suggestions bt first ! i muz cope wif my work first.............
n hor, when i c other ppl's website done up nicely, i will hav e urge 2 do one 222 ,,,,, bt i dun hav e standard (hehe)
actuali i quite "good-life" le, i gt my own room(only tt i hav 2 tidy>///<), food n money is provided, can use computer -- go online, write blog! , oso can watch tv N nt 4gting tt i hav my friends n family ! bt i will alwaes b envious of e others... mayb it's juz in my heart. HAHA... so if u oso envious of others , tell urself tt u oso very good life wan lar( nt havin e tings others hav doesn't mean tt u r havin terrible life... tt's wad i hav been tryin 2 tell myself ... bt it's kinda of hard, hehe)

Sunday, April 15, 2007

i totally can sae give up le ! i can do it wan! actuali juz tink tt it's truth n anywae to me is veri true ! so goodbye 2 my admirin day---- until i find my nxt target ( haha, still very se!)
tmr DOC le..... n tue i can c those hu cum 4 briefin.... n e fake freshees !!!!
quite excited bt worried abt bein 2 bored n nt noein wad 2 do ...haix( bt i will jiayou de!)
DOC ++++++ here i cum !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
b back @ 20 april ... sat e 21st celebratin xinyi's b'dae !

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

2dae result day...
den i go check, damn suai lar , fail in rendering, den have 2 retake, den summore GPA super duper low n bad , summore y i so poor in my studies ... sianz, heard tt muz hav average GPA 3 at e end of all 3 years den can go uni lor, i dun even noe i can go tru e 3 years anot lor, if can, it's best tt i can gt into uni, if so , tt means i muz do extra super duper ( times infinty) better den nw ,espicalli core subjects, dey r much harder 2 score well bt oso cannt 4gt abt e electives lar, cos if can , electives muz aim 4 distinctions,
as a saying goes " u aim 4 e star , u will land on e clouds !"
bt i reali dunno how long can i b motivated, n how can i keep myself motivated these times all e time ????
i muz tink abt my future 4 sure , den work hard work hard n more hard work!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cos if i dun score well, nt only will i wasted time bt my parents' money, so it's a muz 4 me 4 sure !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i reali nid 2 noe how 2 b motivated all e time , anybody noes ??????
if nt i will lose everyting, sum ppl is lazy bt when work hard, sure gd work can b achieved
bt i'm e kind tt muz work very very very hard den a standard of work can b achieved , so i cannt afford 2 b lazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 2, 2007

well.... i can confirm i'm nt n tink nv good wif _ _ _ _ bah .....
juz finish assignment 1, cumin up r all e tutorials(5)..... hav 2 complete e first 2 bah , dun feel like sia, bt muz send back le, SOON ! i tink nobody can tell me tt wad will happen e nxt moment bah.
mayb i wun turn les bt oso wun like boys anymore bah( mayb quite hard 4 me bah) ...
******* bt i reali can c hu is hu, bt i nv noe my own feelings///// tt's y i only stay HERE *****

Sunday, April 1, 2007

juz feel like saein... mayb i'm juz plain 色...... or i juz like 2 look ard 2 much , even if i'm wif my friends , although i still noe wad dey r doin . so wad lor, i look so old de lor... sum one year older den me wan look younger den me ... I HAV 2 SAVE MY SKIN !!!!!!! TERRIBLE ! HORRIBLE ! ICCORIGABLE ! oh ya! i oso hav 2 减肥了, super scary lor to hav big tummy n legs n thighs ....... cos i started c-ing e signs le ....... wan 2 go swimming bt like haven ask ppl so ^^^^^^^
y we same age yet he gt so many ppl hu 'LOVES' him like siao huh ??????? (cos he sum sort 帅咯) ..... ****** haiz******

Thursday, March 29, 2007

anybody anybody -- juz anybody ........ hu does realli noe wad's everyting in dis world, is dere answer 4 everyting ?y is dere always a grey part ? y is dere hatred n love ? y does sumbody always pick on u? y dere is a nid 2 b independent? W-H-Y (Y????????????????????)
satsuki frm ashiteru ze baby ... nt e main character bt i find him n his girlfriend(ayumi) e relationship very sweet ---- actuali super sweet although dey dun express out directly n openly . DIS IS MY DREAM BLAHZ ..... )))

ah ya , 2dae chat wif my cousin , taiwan reali can c idols on streets juz like tt , he sae he seen quite a few like xiao zhu (show) , jolin , BBT , rainie yang ( so cool lor, although i noe dey all normal human beings --- can't help gttin excited)

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

aiyaaiya..................... duno y c&e so super slack !! hmph ! so !!!!!!! nw gt assignment 1 due on mon n 2 tutorials n more due on end of dis subject ,..,..., huhhhhhhhhhhh --- better start soon , hope i gt MOOD soon ( can like tt meh **** aiya, dun feel like doin , hehe)

den i oso tinkin wan 2 redo knife anot lor , like all nid 2 go 4 exibition lor .... sianz sianz sianz

opps , i suddenly tot of him .... orhhhhhh , is like sudden n like everytime i write here will tink abt him sia ( i reali dun understand myself *gg crazy*)

Sunday, March 25, 2007

DOTC is quite fun ... first day everybody was blur blur n confused so it juz went 'off'
second day at night was the wan i rmb e most- NIGHTWALK ! it was so much more scary den the wan our batch 4 our DOC lor ( e tall 'ghost' wif a monster mask scared me twice lor---- first he jumped up frm under e sink n scare me til i sit on e floor lor ... den he purposely bang into me ( i tink .. haha) bt anywae it was fun cos it was scary .... i tink e year 1 s will enjoy it bah in sum way or another **** lastly ---- tt's 2dae , e mass dance was fun N everybody enjoy it so i tink dis's year DOC will b FUN FUN FUN
haiz ~ bt i duno if i will go tink of him b'cos i sort of 'labelled' him le^^^^^^ anywae he didn't cum so NXT ~ i muz work hard 4 my sch work on everyting so i can finish e 3 years


Friday, March 23, 2007

tonight goin DOTC le , quite sian cos juz finish all the homeworks very tired le den still have to go camp...HAIZ~ after camp end on sunday mayb i shld go to c if 棒棒堂改版cd cum out aredy anot hor ( bt $$$ ?) ~~~~~

gundam seed destiny models - oso wan 2 collect them n more gundam figuires !!!!!

王子,毛弟,敖犬!!!! ^ ^

Monday, March 19, 2007

YAY ! juz juz juz realize tt 棒棒堂 gt EP 改版 , yayaayay !!! bt has it arrived in s'pore ? cos in taiwan , e event is on 9 march , would it hav arrived? cos dis time, it's one cd N wif lots of gifts , nt like e first time gt 6 cds n i haven bought it ... zet sae sebamwang gt sell bt nv c 王子 N 敖犬 wan leh ... oso haven decided 2 buy anot n now gt e EP 改版 le , e ting seem so attractive bt even if i have decided 2 buy either e old wan or e new wan oso hav 2 wait until all my projects n homework settle first ;;;; haiz ************

reali dun noe wad 2 do , cos i now writin blog means i quite slack AGAIN ! bt i reali very sianz le lucky juz now went 2 their website , make me feel quite fun , recallin e scenes in e show (HAHA)

JIAYOU JIAYOU JIAYOU ! AH ! n dere's a new korean show cumin up in ---- 加油! 金顺! --- looks quite nice , awaitin 2 watch it !

oso i hope e nxt time i write *once more* dere will b sumtin nice ???

Thursday, March 15, 2007

模范棒棒堂kena taken off frm youtube - dunno y oso , den i miss a few episode le ( frm 13 march onwards... ) *SOB* i hope i hope ... it will b upload again b'cos i always wanted 2 find out more abt them , n w/o dis show ~ i will feel empty sumwhere in my heart;
my studies muz jiayou le , GPA muz pass wif higher marks if nt DIE DIE DIE ......
GIVE ME SUM POWER !!! [ please''']

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

a lot of tings to do sia ... duno if i shld slack or work harder ????
bt since i'm writin dis ... tt means i hav decide 2 slack lor !!!! HAHA~ bt muz promise 2 myself tt i can only slack 4 2dae , if nt HCD & visual composition sure die die die ----
er, 2dae saw 'shengsheng' bt lookin at his actions--- i dun tink he noe abt dere's such a me bah( as in in a special way) it's quite gd so i tink i will b less troubled n cos LOVE wun knock onto me so soon bah!
JIAYOU ! GOOD LUCK ! may everyting good happen to everybody ~~~~
2dae ar.. i reali realised tt taiwan reali gt alot of idols , as in nt 2dae lar bt i wan 2 tok abt it lar (HAHA) my cousin ar, went to taiwan , so good lor , bt i tink nt gd 4 him in a way b'cos he had 2 study wad..... bt i reali wan 2 noe if it is easy 2 mit an idol on e streets of taiwan ~tink 2 much le~

e HCD is makin me quite frustrated wif knives , isn't knives supposed 2 b like knives n how can i make knives a better improvement tt reali helps ppl....

SIAO liao lar bt i tink i will try my luck .. hehe

saeing of luck - i haven mit 'shengsheng' lately sia ... e point is i juz tot abt him now ---- is it i 2 busy or is it i actuali dun reali "EhhEm" leh ? nobody noes except .... well reali nobody will noe if i dun even noe it myself ( *think*- quite true !!! ) LOL !!!!!my picture - siao wan lor

Sunday, March 11, 2007

10 march:

HAHAHAAHA ... yesterday went to chalet 4 NTUC wan ... n nv slp frm yesterday 2dae morning , but i find it super fun n nice 2 mit all of them again after so long n i can mit e 06 batch wan oso ... although nt so close


Monday, March 5, 2007

姚元浩super shuai , gt a little feeling of e boy nxt door --due 2 one of his drama :)

actuali , i reali want 2 noe how it feels 2 b like by sum one n i noe abt tt ......... my friend told me it will b sweet if u have feelings 4 tt guy oso bt........ if not.......... (hehe)
ahhh, i 4gt 2 sae tt dere's a new nick 4 him - shengsheng ( funi rite, my friend decied 2 call him tt since it's easier 2 rmb den e wan i sae b4)
sae until he like veri close 2 me le , bt nt true lor...... diao******
siao le lor, gt HCD 2 assignments lor, n summore both is individual work lor , wad so bad abt indivual work is , if u nv do anyting, u reali nv do anyting ...... super difficult lor , STRESS !!! n i duno i do correct 4 e assignments anot lor !!!! HAIZ !!!!
if he reali noes i like him , how would he react ??? "tt girl so ugly , y like mi sia, so suai ."------ so i hav decided 2 keep it down in my heart ( although frm e start is aredy like tt le)

Saturday, March 3, 2007

2dae went 2 sch for tok , den went 2 eat at pastamania(super full) lor, spent $13 haiz SPENDTHRIFT wan lor ( u stupid girl... keep wasting $$$) den when me & my friend went 2 take bus home , a bus auntie suddenly came running down( i tot hu 4gt juz told us 2 send a auntie 2 e bus interchange( nt tt we dun wan 2 send e auntie dere , is like huh ??? we were nt gg dere , we juz find it strange ????????OF CUS ! in e end we send her dere
aiya , dunno wad i shld sae abt dis , bt it's nt a very big deal anywae; HAHAHA!!!!
long time nv write here le; bt gt write sum on my book... so here goes:
2dae i c 沙悟净again-_-'' , actuali 这应该只是算一点点的缘分吧... 因为啊, we r both ine same sch so 难免会遇到的吗@@@@.
again again again, him again ! this time i was on bus den an ITE guy sat beside me(tt's nt e main point!), den i imagine wad if he came up e bus(i tot i was 2 dramatic...) , bt he reali came up e bus , bt of cus nth happened like dramas
{reali dunno is 缘分/巧合?}
errrr... i didn't record anyting bt if i'm nt wrong , it was tt time when i saw him wearin checked shirt when i'm wif my friend... so it's juz another day ( ohh ! i oso didn't manage 2 send my cousin off at e airport *sad*.......... :(
super excited n hapi cos this afternoon tok 2 my cousin hu went 2 taiwan yesterday for his studies on msn , e reason being he didn't hav internet connection back at home bt/n he did went 2 cybercafe 2 make a hotmail account ( his english nt tt bad wad - mostly) ... i was in sch den , n i was saying like "OMG!OMG!" - like super happy (X infinity)n i told my mother abt it on so on on on HAHA :)

Friday, February 16, 2007

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH , i todae like kena dislike by many ppl sia ! i like offend wanting , melaine , cheryl n many more ......

wanting 2dae her laptop drop down on the floor & chipped off b'cos i called her , (SUPER SAD !!!!) feel like crying sia , hope tt she nt angry wif me *sob*sob*

2dae i saw 沙悟净 again , he in e camp media group sia , shld i b sad/happy , feel suai/heng ?????????

Thursday, February 15, 2007

today c e back view of 沙悟净, i imagine 2 much sia
hav 2 memorize n pronounce e jap. skid well !
tired n sianz sia .............. n i juz realise all my fav. images in thumbdrive all gone oso dunno y (SAD)

Monday, February 12, 2007

lalalalalalalalala..... gt to study for metal tech test , bt dunno wad 2 study so decided 2 burn e book n mix e ashes wif water ..... den drink down ( hahaha , if tt works !!!! )

so lazy 2 study sia, although i noe muz study ~.~ SIANZ

feel like gting Lolipop BBT Ep bt nid 2 gt 6 of them to have e complete set $$$$ (FLY)
almost forgt tt 2dae dunno y oso c 沙悟净 again lor , n our eyes mit twice bt nth happen (knock! knock! .... wad am i expecting when i was like in e giving up mood sia !!!!)

Saturday, February 10, 2007

ahhhh .... tmr gg 2 work frm 11am to 7pm , YAY !! gt income le
bt i shld b stress bt i nw nt stress , ltr sure stress abt my school works wan (HAHAHA)
started friendster 2dae n i juz add all e photos in it ... shld i check if 沙悟净hve friendster 2 ??? nvm lar ... dun tok abt him le , bt i would tok abt my standard 4 bf since i juz discuss it wif 2 groups of friends
here it goes :
  1. at least same height as me which is ard 169cm
  2. i can tolerate his everyting n he can tolerate my everyting ( dis is e most impt. i tink )
  3. best is those with short hair n noe how 2 style wan

quite ok mah??? i tink so bah ... hehe

sometimes i reali feel tt i am so 色 lor (呵呵)

Friday, February 9, 2007

aiyoyo ... y my eyes always will c 沙悟净leh **** todae i c him again near e lift again leh
my friends always nv c wan leh ( or am i always looking out for him )
shld i run away if i c him sia ... bt like tt like more obvious hor !!!
haixx ...hmph ... but i reali dunno wad is LOVE lor
my 王子在哪里呢 ???
nxt ... gt jap. dialogue n language listening skid n test
oso ... gt metal tech test
gambatte ne !!!!!

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Haizzzzzzzz.... 到底是不是我一直在说沙悟净所以今天又看到他呢??? 還跟他take same lift sum more , 我其實不是xxxxxxx , 而是不知道怎么面對他( 他是否有注意到我呢... 可能他会以为hu's tt ugly girl tt keeps looking at me -_-" )
ahhh ya !!! 2dae i had a great time doing e script for jap.skid bt most probably tmr our speed will b slower ....
bt i'm oso scared tt i may dragged e group down b'cos of my language SO muz 加油 lor

n oso ... i aiming 2 b like dis super duper cute girl 哈哈
( i tink highly impossible bah *****)
actuali yesterday i was saeing tt i saw 沙悟净n i felt ??? n pretend nt 2 c him ( sad sia)
n i was saeing is it b'cos i sae on 6 feb tt i still abit abit abt him ...
n i was toking abt 棒棒糖男孩 but e internet or wadever went down .... dis is like e third time i write le lor , hope can .... so it's quite short 4 yesterday's ...
anywae dey R 帅的lor .... (呵呵)

top:Andy 哥 & 小杰
bottom: first 6 棒棒糖男孩 to come out with CD

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

其实..... 已经过了很久了(自从我开始部落格...) 今天刚present完my japanese doll presentation . it made me gt so interested in one of e dolls - washi paper doll , dey r like so unique lor ****** wishing 2 learn 2 make them:)
当然, 今天还是会想沙悟净abit abit lor ... oops .. first post hor , tt 沙悟净 is tt sumone lor ***** ~.^ dreaming again ( WAKE UP !!! )
oso , can't wait 2 watch nxt episode on 花样少年少女 & 模范棒棒堂
i feel tt taiwanese variety show is like more funi , drama is like more interestin, and their artists dere ... alot R my idols SUPPORT SUPPORT ; ki siao liao loh 哈哈